Election day! I'm not lying when I tell you, I heard this twice today..."I can finally VOTE!"
I chose not to tell them the first time I voted it was for Bill Clinton, for a couple of reasons...
1. Given past reactions when hearing about my age, I didn't want to risk having to give mouth to mouth, to a college age human. I'll pass on the HPV, thank you.
2. I may have had to remember who the other person running for President was, to defend my Clinton vote, and for the life of me, I could not remember! I seriously had to Google it on my phone, as I was having these thoughts.
FYI: Bob Dole is almost completely forgettable...sorry old man! The thought of him did rekindle my long-time love affair with Parker pens though.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 17...
No triple D's for me! Seriously, missing last week kicked my grades in the ass. Simple stuff that I got right on the homework, just didn't stick because I wasn't there in the flesh.
Damn me and my visual learning! Here's my topographic maps exam score....
Damn me and my visual learning! Here's my topographic maps exam score....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Day 16...
Remember last week's Algebra test? You know, the one I had to take after I'd missed a weeks worth of classes...
That's right...my second D in two weeks! Damn, college is starting to feel a lot like high school...except I don't have any friends here! Actually, I take that back. I have friends, but they are employed by the University, and no matter how much I beg they will not come to class with me. Bitches!
I had to take a topographic maps exam this morning too, after missing the review last week. Stay tuned for D #3!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 14 & 15...
I missed classes this week, because I was twittering at a statewide work conference...for real, I was! Dude, I will do anything to get out of discussing "The Strategic Plan"...literally anything!
It was a nice break from school, but I had this lingering feeling I was falling further and further behind. Which was absolutely the case; I had to take a Algebra test the day after I returned and I didn't have a clue about the problems covered when I was gone.
I had done my homework and even studied some, but clearly, I need to be sitting in class, watching the professor go through it step by step. If I miss that piece of the process, I just don't know the material.
So bravo to those students who skip class all the time! If you are still getting decent grades, my hat goes off to you...you know, my old lady hat. It looks something like this...
It was a nice break from school, but I had this lingering feeling I was falling further and further behind. Which was absolutely the case; I had to take a Algebra test the day after I returned and I didn't have a clue about the problems covered when I was gone.
I had done my homework and even studied some, but clearly, I need to be sitting in class, watching the professor go through it step by step. If I miss that piece of the process, I just don't know the material.
So bravo to those students who skip class all the time! If you are still getting decent grades, my hat goes off to you...you know, my old lady hat. It looks something like this...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 13...
I found out today I got a D on the American Government test I took last week. I'm not too bent out of shape about it, because the professor throws out our lowest test score...so I'm hoping this is my lowest. On the bright side...for me...my 69% was the 4th highest score in the class...of over 40 students?!?!
Had you asked me before the semester started "What will be your hardest class?" I know for sure I wouldn't have answered American Government. Just goes to show...it's all in the teaching!
Had you asked me before the semester started "What will be your hardest class?" I know for sure I wouldn't have answered American Government. Just goes to show...it's all in the teaching!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day 12...
Today, I went on a field trip to Devil's Lake State Park. It was interesting to see examples of some of the stuff I'm learning in my Global Landforms class.
It was also a great way to prove to myself and everyone else on the trip, just how out of shape I am. Holy crap, we hiked up the steepest part of the bluff, and I was a panting, sweating, jello-legged mess by the time we got to the top...it was awesome!
It did look beautiful up there though.
It was also a great way to prove to myself and everyone else on the trip, just how out of shape I am. Holy crap, we hiked up the steepest part of the bluff, and I was a panting, sweating, jello-legged mess by the time we got to the top...it was awesome!
It did look beautiful up there though.
Note to the girl who sat behind me on the bus, yeah you...the one who freaked out every time the bus driver turned a corner.......Shut the fuck up!
He's had his driver's license longer than you've been alive, I think he can handle it. Fucking Moron!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day 11...
Today in my community first aid and CPR class I had to test that I could save a conscious choking infant. So I did, which felt good, but to prove that a good deed never goes unpunished... I had this song in my head the rest of the day.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day 10...
Blogging is harder this semester than it was last semester. I'm not in any classes that have a discussion component. I have science, math, government and a health class. Pretty cut and dry, lots of lectures...very little interaction.
Who knew that when 18-22 year old keep their mouths shut they seem completely normal? I can go through an entire day without hearing one of them say something really stupid.
I know...crazy...right???
This semester is also boring because my professors are all good. They teach what they are there to teach, so except for a couple hundred hair-twists, my classes are pretty uneventful.
As I get ready to register for next semester's classes, I'm going to have to keep this in mind. I either need some courses with class participation or a dirty old professor to keep this blog interesting.
Who knew that when 18-22 year old keep their mouths shut they seem completely normal? I can go through an entire day without hearing one of them say something really stupid.
I know...crazy...right???
This semester is also boring because my professors are all good. They teach what they are there to teach, so except for a couple hundred hair-twists, my classes are pretty uneventful.
As I get ready to register for next semester's classes, I'm going to have to keep this in mind. I either need some courses with class participation or a dirty old professor to keep this blog interesting.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 9...
I'm a little surprised about how much I enjoy my Global Landforms class. Learning about plate tectonics and denudation is actually pretty darn interesting. It funny how interesting these things are to me now because in high school stuff like this was torture!
Our professor passed our first test back today, but before he did he showed us a little graphic. It looked a little something like this. I'll be honest, I thought I did pretty good, but this graph scared the crap out of me.
Our professor passed our first test back today, but before he did he showed us a little graphic. It looked a little something like this. I'll be honest, I thought I did pretty good, but this graph scared the crap out of me.
The professor handed back our Scantron sheets, then the results of the Scantron part of the test. Which with like 48 students in the class took about 20 minutes. I did pretty good on that part of the test although, I left one blank...which is ironic, because I bust Owen's balls all the time about double checking his work. I preach about how simple mistakes are caught if you just spend a few seconds double checking. Truth be told, I did double check I just missed it, so I guess I should just shut my frickin' trap!
Then he finally started handing back the actual test that showed our score. The suspense was terrible! The kid next to me, who said that he thought he did pretty good, got his test back first with an F on it. He left pissed and I had to take some calming breaths to prevent hyperventilating.
Finally, he handed me this lovely little grade.
I ♥ A's!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 8...
Dear Professor (of the class that ends at 2:52pm on the second floor of Doudna),
I'm writing to beg you to please exit the room promptly at 2:52pm. Your class ends at 2:52pm, yet you continue to linger with your students until almost 3pm everyday! It's not so much that the other students and I care if you shave a few minutes from our class that begins after yours, but in case you haven't noticed, our Professor, seems to care a lot.
Your almost daily tardiness throws a wrench in his daily routine and that's NOT good for him! The pacing, hair twisting, rocking and muttering to himself as he checks his watch 75 times a minute screams..."Get the hell out of my classroom, I can't cope with this change!" I'm not sure if your familiar with the Autism Spectrum, but I'd bet my red Swingline stapler this guy is. To help you understand, I made a visual.
Now, before you send this amazing tool to a medical journal, I need to give credit to Benny, Steve, Milton, Raymond and John for their assistance. I couldn't have done it without all of them...thanks guys!
You're welcome,
I'm writing to beg you to please exit the room promptly at 2:52pm. Your class ends at 2:52pm, yet you continue to linger with your students until almost 3pm everyday! It's not so much that the other students and I care if you shave a few minutes from our class that begins after yours, but in case you haven't noticed, our Professor, seems to care a lot.
Your almost daily tardiness throws a wrench in his daily routine and that's NOT good for him! The pacing, hair twisting, rocking and muttering to himself as he checks his watch 75 times a minute screams..."Get the hell out of my classroom, I can't cope with this change!" I'm not sure if your familiar with the Autism Spectrum, but I'd bet my red Swingline stapler this guy is. To help you understand, I made a visual.
Please study this chart, watch some TV and rent some movies to educate yourself on Autism. This is what the experts do. I mean, why else would Family Matters have been on TV for 9 years...it had to be for research!
In conclusion, please, please take this warning seriously! None of us want this guy to go all "4 MINUTES TO WAPNER!" on your ass, ok!?
You're welcome,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 7...
This is the post where I take back every bad thing I've ever said about 18-22 year olds. Well, maybe not everything, but I need to give credit where credit is due.
Today, I left my cell phone sitting on a bench for about 2 hours. I don't usually leave my phone places. I don't usually lose things; I may forget things at home or in my car, but I almost always know where my things are.
This morning, I went to ask one of my professors a question, and had to wait in the lobby part of his building until he was free. This is not my normal routine and it's times like these when I lose stuff. I get up and go talk to my professor, then leave the building to go to my next class. As my class ended over an hour later, I realized (because as I dumped my 77 pound backpack all over the floor looking for it) that my phone was not with me!
I panicked as I tried to think back where I had it last and I freaked out as I remembered that my phone doesn't really lock. Anyone could use it or the information on it to do terrible things....like check my email, delete my calendar or worse yet....put a phony update on my facebook status.......GASP!
So I rush back to that stupid bench in the lobby of my professors building and there, awkwardly sitting between two 18-22 year olds(in the exact spot I left it), is my phone. I was so happy and proud of the kids I go to school with. I wanted to hug them, and thank them for being wonderful and honest young adults.
Instead, I asked if they were willing to sell me some of their Ritalin....maybe with a clearer head, I won't leave my phone laying around.
Today, I left my cell phone sitting on a bench for about 2 hours. I don't usually leave my phone places. I don't usually lose things; I may forget things at home or in my car, but I almost always know where my things are.
This morning, I went to ask one of my professors a question, and had to wait in the lobby part of his building until he was free. This is not my normal routine and it's times like these when I lose stuff. I get up and go talk to my professor, then leave the building to go to my next class. As my class ended over an hour later, I realized (because as I dumped my 77 pound backpack all over the floor looking for it) that my phone was not with me!
I panicked as I tried to think back where I had it last and I freaked out as I remembered that my phone doesn't really lock. Anyone could use it or the information on it to do terrible things....like check my email, delete my calendar or worse yet....put a phony update on my facebook status.......GASP!
So I rush back to that stupid bench in the lobby of my professors building and there, awkwardly sitting between two 18-22 year olds(in the exact spot I left it), is my phone. I was so happy and proud of the kids I go to school with. I wanted to hug them, and thank them for being wonderful and honest young adults.
Instead, I asked if they were willing to sell me some of their Ritalin....maybe with a clearer head, I won't leave my phone laying around.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 6...
I got my Algebra test back today, and I was a little disappointed when I saw that I got a 76% or a C. As I took the test on Thursday, I was feeling pretty good about it. I felt like I knew what I was doing. I left feeling fairly confident I'd done well. So the C was a bit unexpected.
After examining my test a little more, I realized I only got 2 questions wrong! I got the rest of the answers right, but I didn't show exactly what the professor wanted to see so I lost a bunch of points.
Which is weird because...shouldn't that be exactly what the professor wants to see.....the right frickin' answer!???!?!? Well, after class I went to ask the professor that very question...and guess what...I was WRONG. She doesn't want to see the right answer. She wants to see shit like this....
This is a 10 point question, and as you can see I only got 6 points because I didn't "define x" or write a "sentence." I couldn't figure out how "x" could really be defined in this problem. I mean it isn't a year, an age or a dollar amount...it's just a number. That couldn't be right, I mean this is a college Algebra course, clearly, they wouldn't need us to simplify something that much, right? WRONG AGAIN!!!!
Yeah, you heard me, the professor was giving 2 points to see this on the test...x=the number! Now, I just have to ask...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? No shit, x=the number. Seriously, I was expected to waste pencil lead and 5 seconds of my time to write x=the number? As you can see, I lost another 2 points because I didn't write this sentence at the end...The number is 11.
This shit happened on 4 other problems. So lets figure out my total point loss in algebraic terms.
After examining my test a little more, I realized I only got 2 questions wrong! I got the rest of the answers right, but I didn't show exactly what the professor wanted to see so I lost a bunch of points.
Which is weird because...shouldn't that be exactly what the professor wants to see.....the right frickin' answer!???!?!? Well, after class I went to ask the professor that very question...and guess what...I was WRONG. She doesn't want to see the right answer. She wants to see shit like this....
This is a 10 point question, and as you can see I only got 6 points because I didn't "define x" or write a "sentence." I couldn't figure out how "x" could really be defined in this problem. I mean it isn't a year, an age or a dollar amount...it's just a number. That couldn't be right, I mean this is a college Algebra course, clearly, they wouldn't need us to simplify something that much, right? WRONG AGAIN!!!!
Yeah, you heard me, the professor was giving 2 points to see this on the test...x=the number! Now, I just have to ask...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? No shit, x=the number. Seriously, I was expected to waste pencil lead and 5 seconds of my time to write x=the number? As you can see, I lost another 2 points because I didn't write this sentence at the end...The number is 11.
This shit happened on 4 other problems. So lets figure out my total point loss in algebraic terms.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 5...
Continued from Day 4. (Which was edited after publishing so those of you who received it on email may want to go back and read the part you missed.) When you last heard from me, I'd just changed a wrong answer that an ignorant and annoying girl wrote on our assignment.
I got to class really early today to go over the first 3 chapters one last time, because we had a test scheduled. No one else was there, since it was like 5 to 8 in the morning, so I decided I was going to move the lefty desk away from me...annoying Emily is a lefty and she sits next to me because that's where the desk is. I moved the desk up two rows and over a few spots. This passive aggressive...I mean proactive move gave me hope that I'd be able to fully focus on the test and not on the snotty bitch sitting next to me who tried to mess with me and my Algebra grade.
Guess who else arrived early? Yep! Not only did she arrive early, but she moved her desk back! I'm not even kidding you. Who does she think she is, moving desks?
I just ignored her and kept studying. The professor came in and started handing back our group assignments. She hands ours to Emily and I hear..."What??!" When I look over, I see that we have a 3/10 on the assignment. She's all..."I'm sure this is right and no way could this be wrong."
That's when I realize my mistake.
HOLY SHIT! This girl is a frickin' NITRO and I pretty much left her in charge of an assignment that I'd be graded on. Only stopping to double checked one little thing...the slope...which by the way, was only partially right because her math was so jacked up.
I was so mad at myself! As I was coming unglued, I realized that I'd once again trusted an 18 year old girl, and once again bad things happened. I got my first F at UWP.
Yeah, yeah I know I'm a moron. Well, at least I didn't go to private school, I've heard those kids are frickin' idiots and clearly, they don't know how to use a calculator!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 4...
In Algebra, I sit by an annoying 18-22 year old. She first started to annoy me on Day 1 when after the professor made a comment about how "they (meaning 18-22 year olds) learned how to do math with calculators, and that some of them are lacking the basic skills needed for solving problems on their own." This clearly irritated my neighbor because she made this face:

and said "Whatever!"
So the next day, annoying girl...let's call her Emily, got really pissy when the professor mentioned something along the "kids use calculators more now" line again. This time she leaned over to me and said "I hate when she says that, it's not true!"
To which, I replied..."Umm, yes it is! She isn't saying that YOU learned how to do everything on a calculator, she's making a generalization about college students, and she's right... most of you (meaning 18-22 year olds) learned how to do math on calculators more than generations of college students before you.
She didn't seem to give a shit about that response. She fired back with "Well, I went to a private school and we couldn't use calculators, so I hate when she says that."
And I'm thinking:

Well, today we had to do a little assignment with the person sitting next to us...crap that's Emily! When we got the assignment done, we could leave class. When the teacher handed her the paper with the problem, she got right to it. I watched as she answered the questions and it looked like she was doing fine, so I just kind of watched over her shoulder. For the last part of the problem, we had to figure out the slope. She wrote down and ordered pair like (0,12).
I'm only putting this in here because a week ago, I wouldn't have remembered what the hell that was.
Since I recently re-learned this crap and I know that the slope is not an ordered pair, so I said "I don't think the slope is righ"...that is where she cut me off and barked "TRUST ME!" as she got up and handed in the paper.
Yeah...that's right...this 18 year old bitch annoyingly snapped "TRUST ME!" at me. WTF!?!?
I'm sorry, but the last 18 year old girl I trusted, stole 2 wine coolers out of a friend's grandma's refrigerator and nearly missed CCD for a week.....wait a minute...that was ME when I was 18.....point is........I don't trust 18 year old girls any farther than I could throw them.
Actually on second thought, I could toss most of them quite a ways, so maybe I should put it like this...I don't trust 18 year old girls any further than their skinny jeans could be pulled up on my leg.
In case your wondering, Hell yeah!...I went to the professor, got our sheet back and quickly changed the slope. I wasn't 4.0 last semester because I trusted some 18 year old........it was because I could bullshit my way through Philosophy papers!
To be continued....
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 3...
Today one of my classes was cancelled. I decided to utilize the extra time by getting a bunch of math assignments done, so I spent 3 straight hours in the Algebra Skills Lab (ASL). Which is where this story takes place. For a little background, Math 10 (a.k.a Nitro Math) students were given a quiz on Tuesday which was due today. To receive full credit on the quiz, you had to come to the ASL and have a teacher initial it.
Cut to this morning about 9:55am. There I am sitting with my book open, my calculator out and (I'm pretty sure a ream of) scratch paper scattered about in front of me. In a 10 minute span 5 different 18-22 year olds came up and asked me for my initials. They thought I was a teacher working in the ASL...nice!
Here are the two main reasons this story makes me want to nut punch 18-22 year olds around the world...well at least the ones rushing to the ASL 5 minutes before their quiz is due.
1. I get it, I look older than your average college student, that I understand, but what blows my mind is the fact that I was clearly playing the part of "student" when they came up and asked me for my initials. Seriously, how many college math teachers sit in the ASL with a calculator and a rainforests worth of scrap paper in front of them, struggling over math problems that most 6th graders find a bit boring??? I mean really look around you and consider that maybe this "old lady" is studying. Morons!
2. I recognized one of the "kids"! He's from Darlington, his cousins are my cousins. I remember when he was just a bulletin board in his mother's classroom. Some of you know who I'm talking about right? Tanner Havens asked me for my initials!
Yeah, I can't believe he had not one seconds hesitation...a quick glimpse like..."Wait, she looks kind of familiar?! Maybe I saw her at one the the 20 years worth of musicals and plays I've been to, or did I see her at Carson's(...Rayna's...Kalee's...take your pick of whatever Crist kid) graduation party? Nope...nada.
Wait...maybe he was just "acting" like he didn't know me! Yeah, yeah that must be it...it's totally not because I'm old, completely forgettable and have been away from Darlington so long that a generation of "kids" have NO clue who I am!
Looks like I'm gonna have to do a little PR in Darlington. Apparently, having your brother urinate off of a building next to a cop doesn't give you the same kind of street cred it once would have....thanks for nothing Jed!
Cut to this morning about 9:55am. There I am sitting with my book open, my calculator out and (I'm pretty sure a ream of) scratch paper scattered about in front of me. In a 10 minute span 5 different 18-22 year olds came up and asked me for my initials. They thought I was a teacher working in the ASL...nice!
Here are the two main reasons this story makes me want to nut punch 18-22 year olds around the world...well at least the ones rushing to the ASL 5 minutes before their quiz is due.
1. I get it, I look older than your average college student, that I understand, but what blows my mind is the fact that I was clearly playing the part of "student" when they came up and asked me for my initials. Seriously, how many college math teachers sit in the ASL with a calculator and a rainforests worth of scrap paper in front of them, struggling over math problems that most 6th graders find a bit boring??? I mean really look around you and consider that maybe this "old lady" is studying. Morons!
2. I recognized one of the "kids"! He's from Darlington, his cousins are my cousins. I remember when he was just a bulletin board in his mother's classroom. Some of you know who I'm talking about right? Tanner Havens asked me for my initials!
Yeah, I can't believe he had not one seconds hesitation...a quick glimpse like..."Wait, she looks kind of familiar?! Maybe I saw her at one the the 20 years worth of musicals and plays I've been to, or did I see her at Carson's(...Rayna's...Kalee's...take your pick of whatever Crist kid) graduation party? Nope...nada.
Wait...maybe he was just "acting" like he didn't know me! Yeah, yeah that must be it...it's totally not because I'm old, completely forgettable and have been away from Darlington so long that a generation of "kids" have NO clue who I am!
Looks like I'm gonna have to do a little PR in Darlington. Apparently, having your brother urinate off of a building next to a cop doesn't give you the same kind of street cred it once would have....thanks for nothing Jed!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 2...
I love what getting older does for people. Aging gives most people self-awareness, and self-awareness is a good thing! Age uncovers the parts of yourself that are real and should be tightly embraced. While at the same time it highlights the parts that don't feel right anymore and encourages being true to who you really are.
In the last few years, I've done that a lot. I've come to love parts of who I am, and I've let go of some of the shit. Shit, I thought was real. Leftover shit from my parents, teachers, or from my own insecurities. Wherever it came from, it was keeping me from doing what deep down I really wanted to do.
Going to school, for example, is one of those things. For years, I used bad-timing and lack of money as excuses for not going back, but at the core of it, I just didn't think I could handle it. I wasn't smart enough. I wasn't college material.
I was aware of my gifts...swearing, making people laugh, nursing babies, eating chips, making lasting friendships, driving well over the posted speed limit, and did I mention swearing, but I was not a smart person. That's my brother Eric's gift. He is college material. He has the ability to learn and figure things out...not me...I'm just funny.
For 32 years, that's what I believed.
Before I go any further, I need to make this clear...Eric's really smart, and I'm in no way comparing my IQ (or whatever) to his. He is gifted, and although he can't beat my swear-words per minute record, he has amazing abilities!
The point is as I get older, I'm amazed at how often I realize how completely different I am, as opposed to who I thought I was. Age & experience help me recognize when I'm clinging to the familiar old story instead of seeing what is actually there.
A capable person........who can eat lots of Doritos..........while driving really fast.
In the last few years, I've done that a lot. I've come to love parts of who I am, and I've let go of some of the shit. Shit, I thought was real. Leftover shit from my parents, teachers, or from my own insecurities. Wherever it came from, it was keeping me from doing what deep down I really wanted to do.
Going to school, for example, is one of those things. For years, I used bad-timing and lack of money as excuses for not going back, but at the core of it, I just didn't think I could handle it. I wasn't smart enough. I wasn't college material.
I was aware of my gifts...swearing, making people laugh, nursing babies, eating chips, making lasting friendships, driving well over the posted speed limit, and did I mention swearing, but I was not a smart person. That's my brother Eric's gift. He is college material. He has the ability to learn and figure things out...not me...I'm just funny.
For 32 years, that's what I believed.
Before I go any further, I need to make this clear...Eric's really smart, and I'm in no way comparing my IQ (or whatever) to his. He is gifted, and although he can't beat my swear-words per minute record, he has amazing abilities!
The point is as I get older, I'm amazed at how often I realize how completely different I am, as opposed to who I thought I was. Age & experience help me recognize when I'm clinging to the familiar old story instead of seeing what is actually there.
A capable person........who can eat lots of Doritos..........while driving really fast.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Semester 2 Day 1...
Well, I'm back. After all my classes today, I feel pretty good about this semester. I'm most looking forward to my American Government class. Oh and I was looking forward to my science class too, until I sat next to "Hali."
As in Hali-tosis!
Oh my gawd! So my class started at 1pm, which was unfortunate because "Hali" must still be used to an afternoon nap. At first I was confused, because I couldn't figure out where the disgusting smell was coming from. Then, I realized it was this girl sitting next to me, and the stench was coming from her mouth every time she yawned.
(Insert gag here)
SHIT!!!!!!! It's only 15 minutes into class, and I don't see this girl recovering from the drowsies anytime soon. There's no coffee, Mt. Dew, or speed sitting next to her. That's when I realized I'm stuck in this predicament for the next hour and 3 minutes! I inched away from her, and tried to hold my breath as she continued to yawn & yawn.
Maybe I should have nicknamed her Yanni!
I'm telling you, this was not normal bad breath. It was not morning breath or cigarettes or coffee or alcohol or onions. It was unexplainable! I think it's best described as dog feces that was rolled in vomit, then soaked in blood, finally to be shoved in a rotting carcass and sprinkled with loneliness.
(Insert dry heave here)
I'm certain that Day 2 (and everyday I'm at UWP) will involve avoiding this girl. I may actually change my major to Avoidance.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Semester 2 starts in...
2 weeks.
14 days.
336 hours.
20,160 minutes.
1,209,600 seconds.
However you say it, it still seems a bit too soon! If you need to reach me on a Tuesday or Thursday after September 2nd, realize you will be competing with this...
14 days.
336 hours.
20,160 minutes.
1,209,600 seconds.
However you say it, it still seems a bit too soon! If you need to reach me on a Tuesday or Thursday after September 2nd, realize you will be competing with this...
so good luck!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm honored...
to be guaranteed a great, high-paying job because of my significant accomplishment. Thanks UWP, I'm proud to be affiliated with you as well.
Wait, what's that?
This piece of paper doesn't guarantee anything and it's about as worthless in real life as learning how to do Algebra or parallel park.
Bite me!
Wait, what's that?
This piece of paper doesn't guarantee anything and it's about as worthless in real life as learning how to do Algebra or parallel park.
Bite me!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 30...
was my last day in class. 1 hour class of Ethnic Studies....I could handle that right? Barely!
We were workshopping our final papers. Just getting last minute advice from others in the class. However, the professor chose whose papers we would read and critique...which wasn't so great for me. He had me read the papers of 1. the ignorant girl that I've written about on here before and 2. a dude that had consolidated his 6 to 8 page paper to 1 page and 1 sentence in length.
Once again, I was appalled by the lack of competency these college students have.
First the girl's paper...let's call her...Amber...the paper was full of generalizations like, the laws against hate crimes have not stopped one person from committing them, or all black people use their race to get out of crimes they commit.
It really was a joy to read this enlightening display of a semesters worth of Ethnic Studies class.
After reading the paper we had to meet and discuss what was needed for revision. She told me that one of my sentences was a run-on and that was all she caught because she only got through the second page.
She was super helpful. My run-on was the setting up of a quote & then the quote, you know like: Julie of UWP & ME states, "This girl is a frickin' moron!"
I then explained to her that he (our professor) was not going to be cool with a bunch of statements that she didn't prove, and she said she "couldn't find much information on immigration laws."
Right!??! That isn't a very hot topic now a days!
So that is when I said, "Well Amber, you're off to a good start...good luck" and moved on to the next guy...let's call him Randy. In 1 page and 1 sentence he talked about Irish immigrants during the potato famine, it jumped quickly to religion and ended with Mexicans. My only advice to him (with one week before this final paper was due) was you may want to pick a topic! I have to say that he actually gave me some good comments and advice on my paper, so it wasn't a complete loss for me.
It was the perfect day to end this semester. I think back on how I hesitated to return to college for so long because I didn't think I could handle it. Days like this remind me that I'm capable. As long as I am willing to learn from others and work hard, I can do it. Yes, some classes are going to be really hard, like Spanish, College Algebra and others, but I'm up for the challenge.
I have to take Spanish because I didn't maintain a C average in high school. Obviously, I was below average in retaining details of Roni Roth's sex life...uhh...I just threw up in my mouth.
So farewell until September. I'm taking a break. Spending time with family, vegecating at Farmers Markets, hanging out with friends(my own age), sunning myself at the pond, running to baseball camp, basketball camp, summer school and swimming lessons, just mainly hanging out with MY kids!
You know, normal summer activities for a college student.
We were workshopping our final papers. Just getting last minute advice from others in the class. However, the professor chose whose papers we would read and critique...which wasn't so great for me. He had me read the papers of 1. the ignorant girl that I've written about on here before and 2. a dude that had consolidated his 6 to 8 page paper to 1 page and 1 sentence in length.
Once again, I was appalled by the lack of competency these college students have.
First the girl's paper...let's call her...Amber...the paper was full of generalizations like, the laws against hate crimes have not stopped one person from committing them, or all black people use their race to get out of crimes they commit.
It really was a joy to read this enlightening display of a semesters worth of Ethnic Studies class.
After reading the paper we had to meet and discuss what was needed for revision. She told me that one of my sentences was a run-on and that was all she caught because she only got through the second page.
She was super helpful. My run-on was the setting up of a quote & then the quote, you know like: Julie of UWP & ME states, "This girl is a frickin' moron!"
I then explained to her that he (our professor) was not going to be cool with a bunch of statements that she didn't prove, and she said she "couldn't find much information on immigration laws."
Right!??! That isn't a very hot topic now a days!
So that is when I said, "Well Amber, you're off to a good start...good luck" and moved on to the next guy...let's call him Randy. In 1 page and 1 sentence he talked about Irish immigrants during the potato famine, it jumped quickly to religion and ended with Mexicans. My only advice to him (with one week before this final paper was due) was you may want to pick a topic! I have to say that he actually gave me some good comments and advice on my paper, so it wasn't a complete loss for me.
It was the perfect day to end this semester. I think back on how I hesitated to return to college for so long because I didn't think I could handle it. Days like this remind me that I'm capable. As long as I am willing to learn from others and work hard, I can do it. Yes, some classes are going to be really hard, like Spanish, College Algebra and others, but I'm up for the challenge.
I have to take Spanish because I didn't maintain a C average in high school. Obviously, I was below average in retaining details of Roni Roth's sex life...uhh...I just threw up in my mouth.
So farewell until September. I'm taking a break. Spending time with family, vegecating at Farmers Markets, hanging out with friends(my own age), sunning myself at the pond, running to baseball camp, basketball camp, summer school and swimming lessons, just mainly hanging out with MY kids!
You know, normal summer activities for a college student.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Day 29...
WOW! What a day. This is basically my last day of classes. Thursday, I have my morning Ethnic Studies class, but then I am leaving to attend Mother's Day Tea with Sophia.
I think it's safe to say I'm the only college student at UWP spending Thursday afternoon with 5 year olds drinking tea. Although, if you go to the Annex you see lots of "tea" being drank and a bunch of people acting like 5 year olds.
Today I had to meet with Freaky DeGenerate to discuss my group (which is required of all group leaders). During the conversation he asked what my husband did for a living. I said he was a plumber...cause he's a plumber. His response was about the most elitist, asshole thing I've ever heard anyone say.
He said, and I quote..."So you are part of the trend of women who marry beneath them."
Of course he's totally right. I understand now that I shouldn't have married kind, smart and hard working Trevor. Clearly, I should have held out to marry a pervert who is tenured into a position that pays him year after year to pant all over other kind, smart and hard working guys' daughters?
I'm just happy today was my last day with this Prick!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day 28...
As a parent that just happens to be a college student, I look at things a bit different than the average girl sitting in class. I don't think I am smarter or better than any of the rest of them...actually that isn't true, there are a couple of girls I'm definitely smarter than. Don't believe me? Read my last post.
I do, however think I'm more sensitive to the inappropriateness of certain professors. This semester, out of my three professors I'd consider one of them a great teacher, I'd consider another one hard to follow but totally sweet and willing to help in anyway, and finally I'd consider the other one a... total creeper.
Today I was part of a panel discussion where we discussed whether or not prostitution should be legalized.
BTW: it absolutely should not...ever...for any reason be legalized.
So after our 45 minute discussion we receive questions from the audience. The first question he asks is: "What about the beautiful blonde I've seen on The Tyra Show, that says she chooses to be a prostitute to put herself through medical school?"
In my head I'm thinking...I bet this scenario is what gets this guy out of bed in the morning.
The slight possibility of some pre-med Jenna Jamison look alike, coming to UWP hoping to turn tricks to pay for her tuition.
Then his next question is: "Well, Julie, what do you think about masturbation?"
Umm...what?!?! How is that at all related to what we're really talking about and ICK!!??
I answered this question, in a smart ass tone, "You're asking what I think about masturbation...I'm all for it." To which about twelve 18-22 years olds started dying laughing.
Luckily, before this dude could get off,anymore on talking about sex with a bunch of young college girls and one old college girl, the time was up. He handed back our evaluations and we left.
Wanna see what he wrote on my eval?
Yeah, you read it correctly...SAY THE WORD!! MASTURBATION!!!???
I can only assume that ALL CAPS is a sign that the perv was nearing climax.
As I read this, I thought of all the 18-22 year old girls who may sit in his class someday and not realize he enjoys teaching them not because he likes to watch them learn and become more confident & capable adults, but for a "handful" of other reasons. I had the same protective feeling for those college girls, that my Dad must have had when he tapped on some dirty old guy's car window, with a water gun, and told the sicko to leave his daughter alone.
Hey, maybe this guy is Jimmy Staver's brother?
I do, however think I'm more sensitive to the inappropriateness of certain professors. This semester, out of my three professors I'd consider one of them a great teacher, I'd consider another one hard to follow but totally sweet and willing to help in anyway, and finally I'd consider the other one a... total creeper.
Today I was part of a panel discussion where we discussed whether or not prostitution should be legalized.
BTW: it absolutely should not...ever...for any reason be legalized.
So after our 45 minute discussion we receive questions from the audience. The first question he asks is: "What about the beautiful blonde I've seen on The Tyra Show, that says she chooses to be a prostitute to put herself through medical school?"
In my head I'm thinking...I bet this scenario is what gets this guy out of bed in the morning.
The slight possibility of some pre-med Jenna Jamison look alike, coming to UWP hoping to turn tricks to pay for her tuition.
Then his next question is: "Well, Julie, what do you think about masturbation?"
Umm...what?!?! How is that at all related to what we're really talking about and ICK!!??
I answered this question, in a smart ass tone, "You're asking what I think about masturbation...I'm all for it." To which about twelve 18-22 years olds started dying laughing.
Luckily, before this dude could get off,anymore on talking about sex with a bunch of young college girls and one old college girl, the time was up. He handed back our evaluations and we left.
Wanna see what he wrote on my eval?
Yeah, you read it correctly...SAY THE WORD!! MASTURBATION!!!???
I can only assume that ALL CAPS is a sign that the perv was nearing climax.
As I read this, I thought of all the 18-22 year old girls who may sit in his class someday and not realize he enjoys teaching them not because he likes to watch them learn and become more confident & capable adults, but for a "handful" of other reasons. I had the same protective feeling for those college girls, that my Dad must have had when he tapped on some dirty old guy's car window, with a water gun, and told the sicko to leave his daughter alone.
Hey, maybe this guy is Jimmy Staver's brother?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 27...
I'm hitting the wall.
I'm getting very tired. Tired of reading, writing, listening, thinking, but most of all, being around 18 year old college students.
Now, don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy many of the "kids" in my classes. I have even accepted a couple of them as friends on facebook. However, there are so many other "kids" that I really do not enjoy being around...at all...ever.
"Kids" that post things like this for Ethnic Studies homework two weeks before the semester ends.
"In this chapter it talks about how males are favored in sports especially basket. And it then goes on to explain what women do when you watch a mans game... they are either with their husband ot kids, working in the consession stands, or helping others. They also said " where are the women? those closet to the action on the court are probably cheerleaders, tumbling, dancing, and being thrown in the air in support of the exploits of the athletes." I do not agree with these becuase more men are being cheerleaders. So therefore this is kind of being racist where they are saying men shouldnt be doing cheer becuase its a women thing to do. What do you think...Is this being racist againist men being cheerleaders? why or why not?"
Come the Fuck on, Bridget!
(No, her name is not Bridget...that's a movie quote that I use when I'm tired of saying WTF?. Watch Bridget Jones Diary, you loser. FYI - Colin Firth=YUMMY)
Seriously, I find it appalling this girl was accepted into college completely unaware of the difference between racism and sexism, and clearly, she's never heard of proofreading. The fact that she's spent 27 days in an Ethnic Studies class with, in my opinion, a great professor and still doesn't know the difference, speaks to her capabilities as a learner. Let's not forget, the fact that she is a SHE! 18 year old SHES should be able to recognize sexism when they see it and be able to verbalize or document the injustice that they're witnessing.
Can I get an AMEN?!
I'm getting very tired. Tired of reading, writing, listening, thinking, but most of all, being around 18 year old college students.
Now, don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy many of the "kids" in my classes. I have even accepted a couple of them as friends on facebook. However, there are so many other "kids" that I really do not enjoy being around...at all...ever.
"Kids" that post things like this for Ethnic Studies homework two weeks before the semester ends.
"In this chapter it talks about how males are favored in sports especially basket. And it then goes on to explain what women do when you watch a mans game... they are either with their husband ot kids, working in the consession stands, or helping others. They also said " where are the women? those closet to the action on the court are probably cheerleaders, tumbling, dancing, and being thrown in the air in support of the exploits of the athletes." I do not agree with these becuase more men are being cheerleaders. So therefore this is kind of being racist where they are saying men shouldnt be doing cheer becuase its a women thing to do. What do you think...Is this being racist againist men being cheerleaders? why or why not?"
Come the Fuck on, Bridget!
(No, her name is not Bridget...that's a movie quote that I use when I'm tired of saying WTF?. Watch Bridget Jones Diary, you loser. FYI - Colin Firth=YUMMY)
Seriously, I find it appalling this girl was accepted into college completely unaware of the difference between racism and sexism, and clearly, she's never heard of proofreading. The fact that she's spent 27 days in an Ethnic Studies class with, in my opinion, a great professor and still doesn't know the difference, speaks to her capabilities as a learner. Let's not forget, the fact that she is a SHE! 18 year old SHES should be able to recognize sexism when they see it and be able to verbalize or document the injustice that they're witnessing.
Can I get an AMEN?!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 26...
I registered for classes for the fall. I'm sticking to the Tuesday & Thursday schedule for as long as I can. Since I have to take 6 credits of Math for Re...ally, really stupid people, I thought I'd get that over with. I'm taking both of these classes next fall. Should be a blast!
Here is my schedule for Tuesday & Thursday starting in September:
Here is my schedule for Tuesday & Thursday starting in September:
Do you know what my worst nightmare is?
Sitting in Math class (that doesn't even count toward graduation) for 3 hours every other day for 4 months. My only hope is that my professor is smokin' hot. Keep your fingers crossed.
Although, I had a super hot Algebra teacher in high school who was so distracting, I didn't learn a damn thing.....Thanks a lot Mr. James P. Acherman!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day 25...
Yesterday in Ethnic Studies, I was discussing the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings with a small group of students. Because these hearings were in the early 90's, I asked if we could think of any more recent public case where race, class & gender intersect, because I know most of the class was BORN in the early 90's! One of the kids mentioned the OJ trial and I said "well that wasn't much more recent than CT & AH because that was in like '95, I think...around the year I graduated from high school."
I'm not exaggerating when I say there was a loud GASP! The same gasping kid then followed with this statement, "You didn't have to tell us that!" His tone gave me the impression that I'd made him really uncomfortable with waaaay too much personal and very private information!?
Should the fact that I graduated from high school 15 years ago be reacted to, in the same way that one might react if someone shared something a little more along these lines, "...in like '95, I think...the same year I had my 4th abortion and contracted herpes...again!"
NO! Seriously, realizing that someone in your class is over 30 should not strike fear in heart of any 18-22 year old.
So listen up youngsters. I have a valuable lesson for you. If someone tells you some uncomfortable information like "in like '95, I think...the same year I had my 4th abortion and contracted herpes...again!", don't offend the person with a statement like, "You didn't have to tell us that!" Do what a mature almost 33 year old would do, keep your mouth shut.
Just scream "SLUTTY McHERPIEPANTS!" in your head.
I'm not exaggerating when I say there was a loud GASP! The same gasping kid then followed with this statement, "You didn't have to tell us that!" His tone gave me the impression that I'd made him really uncomfortable with waaaay too much personal and very private information!?
Should the fact that I graduated from high school 15 years ago be reacted to, in the same way that one might react if someone shared something a little more along these lines, "...in like '95, I think...the same year I had my 4th abortion and contracted herpes...again!"
NO! Seriously, realizing that someone in your class is over 30 should not strike fear in heart of any 18-22 year old.
So listen up youngsters. I have a valuable lesson for you. If someone tells you some uncomfortable information like "in like '95, I think...the same year I had my 4th abortion and contracted herpes...again!", don't offend the person with a statement like, "You didn't have to tell us that!" Do what a mature almost 33 year old would do, keep your mouth shut.
Just scream "SLUTTY McHERPIEPANTS!" in your head.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 24...
Social "misfit" girl didn't show up for class last night. She must have read my blog and decided she didn't want a face punch. In case some of you think I would really punch her in the face...duh! No, not everything I write on this blog should be taken seriously, and things I write could be taken out of context and offend some people. So if you're a person who is super sensitive to anything not PC, I urge you NOT to read my blogs. Remember, I gave fair warning months ago...
I've decided to document my days as a non-traditional student at my new blog UWP & ME. It will just be some thoughts and highlights from a day in the life of an old lady's return to college life.
I can't promise that I won't diss college age girls and boys, or the professors I have (although names will be changed to protectthe innocent myself). I will probably poke fun at the university staff, mainly targeting 2 Prospective Student Services employees. God knows, I will do plenty of profoundly stupid things that will require some blog attention, but from time to time I will get all deep and blow your mind with my perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of a Philosophy degree.
I can't promise that I won't diss college age girls and boys, or the professors I have (although names will be changed to protect
Which reminds me, I officially declared my major yesterday...Philosophy but I'm still debating on the minor. I also registered for a pre-session summer class...wait for it...with the same crazy, smart professor that has been driving me crazy all semester. I get 3 credits in 3 weeks though, so I am willing to suck it up.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 23...
Let me set the scene before I start my rant...
Yesterday 4:50pm - Sitting in a classroom before Philosophy class starts, reading a chapter from Ethnic Studies so I can have the homework posted online by 8am this morning. I have 10 minutes which is plenty of time to finish the reading I started while sitting in my car, trying hard not to drive to Kwik Trip and open my mouth under the Diet Mountain Dew spicket!
Enter...the annoying "I talk loudly on the phone, while others try to text, read, text, chat, text, do homework and did I mention text before class," girl.
Literally, she talks in full volume as the rest of us sit there, shooting daggers with our eyes into the back of her stupid head. Occasionally, one of the other annoyed people will purposely leave to use their phone in the hallway (where normal, polite and courteous people have their private conversations) just to see if she'll get the hint. No dice!
Her conversations include shit like her mom's work schedule, or if she can't get enough graduation tickets for her family flying in from Las Vegas she'll be really pissed, or that she thinks it's super hilarious that we use "googled" like it's a verb....HA-HA-HA!
Really, who are you my fuckin' grandma? I am sorry to say but if you are younger than 25 "googled" has been part of your vocabulary since...um... pretty much forever, so shut it!
She does this every class...EVERY SINGLE CLASS! She has literally walked past people talking on their phones in the hallway and sat down to interrupt the quiet peaceful classroom. I mean come on, do you not see the eye rolls or hear the heavy, irritated sighs as others enter the room to see (& hear) you in the front row shouting about how you were a bad-ass in high school so when you call there "they will definitely remember who I am!"
My guess is they'll remember you because you were as socially retarded then, as you are now, and they all wanted to punch you in your face!
I think for the safety of young ignorant girls everywhere, I shouldn't have given up soda until the semester ended.
Yesterday 4:50pm - Sitting in a classroom before Philosophy class starts, reading a chapter from Ethnic Studies so I can have the homework posted online by 8am this morning. I have 10 minutes which is plenty of time to finish the reading I started while sitting in my car, trying hard not to drive to Kwik Trip and open my mouth under the Diet Mountain Dew spicket!
Enter...the annoying "I talk loudly on the phone, while others try to text, read, text, chat, text, do homework and did I mention text before class," girl.
Literally, she talks in full volume as the rest of us sit there, shooting daggers with our eyes into the back of her stupid head. Occasionally, one of the other annoyed people will purposely leave to use their phone in the hallway (where normal, polite and courteous people have their private conversations) just to see if she'll get the hint. No dice!
Her conversations include shit like her mom's work schedule, or if she can't get enough graduation tickets for her family flying in from Las Vegas she'll be really pissed, or that she thinks it's super hilarious that we use "googled" like it's a verb....HA-HA-HA!
Really, who are you my fuckin' grandma? I am sorry to say but if you are younger than 25 "googled" has been part of your vocabulary since...um... pretty much forever, so shut it!
She does this every class...EVERY SINGLE CLASS! She has literally walked past people talking on their phones in the hallway and sat down to interrupt the quiet peaceful classroom. I mean come on, do you not see the eye rolls or hear the heavy, irritated sighs as others enter the room to see (& hear) you in the front row shouting about how you were a bad-ass in high school so when you call there "they will definitely remember who I am!"
My guess is they'll remember you because you were as socially retarded then, as you are now, and they all wanted to punch you in your face!
I think for the safety of young ignorant girls everywhere, I shouldn't have given up soda until the semester ended.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day 22...
Today was a interesting day. It started with me reading the following email from one of my professors:
"Hi everyone, I'm sick as a dog so class is cancelled. Read, post, and respond, and I'll see you on Tuesday."
Like any college student, I shouted..."Fuck yeah!"
FYI: I've decided since I haven't declared a major yet, I should continue to swear like a sailor, in case I decide to major in Sailing; I don't want to be out of practice.
That's where the "like any college student" stuff ended. Because as most college students were jumping back into their cozy crab-infested futons, snuggling up with their "Twilight" & "High School Musical" pillows for a couple extra hours of sleep - I'd already walked 4 miles, made breakfast, drank 2 cups of coffee, kissed my husband & daughter goodbye for the day, took my son to the bus, kissed him goodbye and checked my god damn email! Seriously, it's a little late to go back to bed.
What I wouldn't have done for an opportunity to curl up in my lovely, laundry loaded bed and spoon my "Batman Forever" & "Jerry Maguire" pillow and go back to sleep for a couple of hours.
These were popular movies back in 1995. I'm not afraid to admit Val Kilmer is hotter than Robert Pattinson any day! Ok, maybe not today (or for the last 10 years) 'cause like the rest of us...............Val got fat and old. His Ice Man glory days are over. ☹
I'm betting Cuba Gooding Jr. would totally mess up Corbin Bleu though.......SHOW ME THE MONEY!
"Hi everyone, I'm sick as a dog so class is cancelled. Read, post, and respond, and I'll see you on Tuesday."
Like any college student, I shouted..."Fuck yeah!"
FYI: I've decided since I haven't declared a major yet, I should continue to swear like a sailor, in case I decide to major in Sailing; I don't want to be out of practice.
That's where the "like any college student" stuff ended. Because as most college students were jumping back into their cozy crab-infested futons, snuggling up with their "Twilight" & "High School Musical" pillows for a couple extra hours of sleep - I'd already walked 4 miles, made breakfast, drank 2 cups of coffee, kissed my husband & daughter goodbye for the day, took my son to the bus, kissed him goodbye and checked my god damn email! Seriously, it's a little late to go back to bed.
What I wouldn't have done for an opportunity to curl up in my lovely, laundry loaded bed and spoon my "Batman Forever" & "Jerry Maguire" pillow and go back to sleep for a couple of hours.
These were popular movies back in 1995. I'm not afraid to admit Val Kilmer is hotter than Robert Pattinson any day! Ok, maybe not today (or for the last 10 years) 'cause like the rest of us...............Val got fat and old. His Ice Man glory days are over. ☹
I'm betting Cuba Gooding Jr. would totally mess up Corbin Bleu though.......SHOW ME THE MONEY!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 21...
"What are you going to school for?"
Apparently, that's the million dollar question. It's asked by most people that hear I am going back to college. Some people stop there or say something like "Philosophy...really?!?!" A lot of people who haven't been to college go on to ask "What kind of job will you get with that?"
Until recently, I looked at college as a place to go if you want a good job. A lot of people look at it through those eyes, as a way to have a leg up on the competition in the job market. Something to get done with as soon as possible in order to get started with your "life." "What are you planning to do with a degree in ________?" I have asked that very same questions to people starting college either fresh out of high school or non-traditional students who decide to go back.
To answer my own question:
I am going to learn something. I am going to have my beliefs and views challenged. I am going to be able to not only tolerate, but embrace people with differences. I am going to utilize my brain in a way that I never have before. I am going to be uncomfortable and grow through that discomfort, becoming a stronger person.
I am going to be a role model for my children. Teaching them that being static may not be enough for them and that leading an ever-changing life is OK. So what if it wasn't part of the initial plan. Plans and people change. Don't be afraid to change your mind. Shake things up! Even if people don't understand or if they don't support you "rocking the boat." Do what feels right to you, not what is safe or understood by the masses.
I believe this UWP experience is going to change me. It will be uncomfortable for some, maybe even unacceptable for those who don't understand, but I know deep down it is right.
Hopefully, I won't be the only one who learns something.
Apparently, that's the million dollar question. It's asked by most people that hear I am going back to college. Some people stop there or say something like "Philosophy...really?!?!" A lot of people who haven't been to college go on to ask "What kind of job will you get with that?"
Until recently, I looked at college as a place to go if you want a good job. A lot of people look at it through those eyes, as a way to have a leg up on the competition in the job market. Something to get done with as soon as possible in order to get started with your "life." "What are you planning to do with a degree in ________?" I have asked that very same questions to people starting college either fresh out of high school or non-traditional students who decide to go back.
To answer my own question:
I am going to learn something. I am going to have my beliefs and views challenged. I am going to be able to not only tolerate, but embrace people with differences. I am going to utilize my brain in a way that I never have before. I am going to be uncomfortable and grow through that discomfort, becoming a stronger person.
I am going to be a role model for my children. Teaching them that being static may not be enough for them and that leading an ever-changing life is OK. So what if it wasn't part of the initial plan. Plans and people change. Don't be afraid to change your mind. Shake things up! Even if people don't understand or if they don't support you "rocking the boat." Do what feels right to you, not what is safe or understood by the masses.
I believe this UWP experience is going to change me. It will be uncomfortable for some, maybe even unacceptable for those who don't understand, but I know deep down it is right.
Hopefully, I won't be the only one who learns something.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 20...
Is it possible for a 32 year old woman who has put in only 20 days of college to have senioritis?
No, I did not say arthritis!
While sitting in class today, I remembered why I work only part-time. So I can enjoy days like today with my kids, friends or just with myself.
Although technically, I was with "the kids" today.
This full-time student thing is throwing a giant wrench in my life of leisure, but I'm enjoying it!
Yes, as busy as I am, with as crazy a schedule as I have gotten myself into, I'm happy to be where I am.
I'm not missing out on activities with the kids, I just don't clean my house! I still hang out with my friends
(luckily for me, my good friend Trixie works at UWP), I just don't do my laundry!
I'm sure, in the next 40 years (I plan on graduating in 2050) I will have other days where the weather is begging me to quit school, or I miss something the kids are doing, but I have a feeling that I'm supposed to do something amazing with my life and school is part of that journey. Since I'm in it for the long haul, I better get used to it.
I wonder if senioritis gets worse for senior citizens? Ask me in 30 years when I'm a 10th year junior at UWP!
No, I did not say arthritis!
While sitting in class today, I remembered why I work only part-time. So I can enjoy days like today with my kids, friends or just with myself.
Although technically, I was with "the kids" today.
This full-time student thing is throwing a giant wrench in my life of leisure, but I'm enjoying it!
Yes, as busy as I am, with as crazy a schedule as I have gotten myself into, I'm happy to be where I am.
I'm not missing out on activities with the kids, I just don't clean my house! I still hang out with my friends
(luckily for me, my good friend Trixie works at UWP), I just don't do my laundry!
I'm sure, in the next 40 years (I plan on graduating in 2050) I will have other days where the weather is begging me to quit school, or I miss something the kids are doing, but I have a feeling that I'm supposed to do something amazing with my life and school is part of that journey. Since I'm in it for the long haul, I better get used to it.
I wonder if senioritis gets worse for senior citizens? Ask me in 30 years when I'm a 10th year junior at UWP!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 19...
was a blustery, beautiful day on campus. Spring is officially here. In the 60 degree weather with 40 mph winds, I saw about a dozen girls in their triple layer tank tops.
I get the whole shedding the winter garb desire, but 3 tank tops...WTF? Besides bare arms isn't that just good winter weather layering? I mean, do you really need 2 other shirts hanging below the main one to achieve the look you are going for?
I am by no means a fashionista whatsoever, my favorite store is Goodwill for god's sake, but I just don't understand a trend that requires adding layers as the weather warms up.
I wonder if it is a safety technique for the 90 pounders? Adding extra layers (weight) may prevent the wind from blowing them all the way to Arthur.
I get the whole shedding the winter garb desire, but 3 tank tops...WTF? Besides bare arms isn't that just good winter weather layering? I mean, do you really need 2 other shirts hanging below the main one to achieve the look you are going for?
I am by no means a fashionista whatsoever, my favorite store is Goodwill for god's sake, but I just don't understand a trend that requires adding layers as the weather warms up.
I wonder if it is a safety technique for the 90 pounders? Adding extra layers (weight) may prevent the wind from blowing them all the way to Arthur.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 18...
was a good day at school. I had a meeting with a professor to discuss my midterm grade and my ideas for my 8 page final essay exam. I loved hearing that I am getting an A, but the whole 8 page essay talk hurt my ears.
When I registered back in November, I thought this semester would be a good way to break back into school. I didn't want to take any math or science or anything I thought would be hard, so instead I take 2 philosophy courses with a speech & ethnic studies course. I can't even tell you how much reading and writing I am doing these days. It's a bit ridiculous. Now I realize a math course would have been a nice "do your problems and you're done" sort of class to break up some of the more subjective learning I am interested in.
The lesson here is that: I will know better next time, which really, is more important than every A I feel driven to earn.
I figured out years ago that educated people don't mean smart people. We've all work with some highly educated people that are complete and total idiots. Often times, I trust and value the opinions of my less formally educated, but smart and down-to-earth friends and colleagues, more than the experts. The nice thing about being a non-traditional "older adult" student is that I am able to draw on my life experiences to enrich all of the new information I am receiving in class.
Sadly, most of the 18-22 year olds sitting next to me have another decade or so of figuring that out. I consider myself lucky to be in college now. I believe I will get a more complete & profound learning experience than those "kids" sitting next to me.
Probably because, there is a distractingly old lady in their class who keeps calling them"kids!"
P.S. Today, during my persuasive speech, I could have sold high speed rail to Henry Ford. Another A+! I am starting to wonder if this guy gives out A+'s pretty haphazardly.
Shit....those math grades are going to be hard to look at next semester, maybe I will be able to persuade my math professor that my work is outstanding and deserving of a passing grade.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 17...
Midterm Essay #1--17.5 out of 20...not bad although it was my first (and easiest) Philosophy class. I was a little bit worried about what I'd get on my other Philosophy Essay in the tougher class.
Midterm Essay #2-- 30 out of 30! Holy Shit...The best news is that you can choose to do the midterm or final or both...they are both worth 30 for a total of sixty possible...so if you feel you did good enough on the Midterm and don't want to take the final she just adds 30 points to your score in place of the final exam...sweet! Thank god, I can BS through essays because if I had any type of oral exam...I'd fail miserably!
I wonder if there's a major (followed by a high paying job) where you write stuff of which you have very little knowledge, but everyone who reads it thinks it's great................
Midterm Essay #2-- 30 out of 30! Holy Shit...The best news is that you can choose to do the midterm or final or both...they are both worth 30 for a total of sixty possible...so if you feel you did good enough on the Midterm and don't want to take the final she just adds 30 points to your score in place of the final exam...sweet! Thank god, I can BS through essays because if I had any type of oral exam...I'd fail miserably!
I wonder if there's a major (followed by a high paying job) where you write stuff of which you have very little knowledge, but everyone who reads it thinks it's great................
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 16...
2 philosophy midterm essays to write
1 persuasive speech to write on high speed rail
22 pages to read for Thursday's quiz on Chapter 5 in small group communications class
1 post and response due for ethnic studies
10 articles to skim for an essay on the ethnic history of New Orleans
2 kids to take to the dentist
3 families waiting for photographs to be taken
1 family birthday party on Saturday
21 chapters left of the audiobook that I don't want to stop listening to
3 Head Start Classrooms, 1 WIC clinic and 2 senior meal sites to teach at for work
1 Friday late start
6 days of entertaining my father - who thought that driving an hour and a half home was silly since he'd be back on SATURDAY for the kids party
Slowly, but surely I am getting things crossed off this list. This is the life of a non-traditional student at it's most hectic. Yesterday, I got these wise words of encouragement and they helped put things into perspective.
...the week will come to and end, just as the day, the hour and the minutes do....and what was meant to get done will:)...
Dad called last night and let me know that we went home and would see me on Saturday for the party!
Maybe he sensed I was stressed out...when I told him that he couldn't talk to me anymore.
That guy is a quick learner. He picks up on those subtle cues so fast.
1 persuasive speech to write on high speed rail
22 pages to read for Thursday's quiz on Chapter 5 in small group communications class
1 post and response due for ethnic studies
10 articles to skim for an essay on the ethnic history of New Orleans
2 kids to take to the dentist
3 families waiting for photographs to be taken
1 family birthday party on Saturday
21 chapters left of the audiobook that I don't want to stop listening to
3 Head Start Classrooms, 1 WIC clinic and 2 senior meal sites to teach at for work
1 Friday late start
6 days of entertaining my father - who thought that driving an hour and a half home was silly since he'd be back on SATURDAY for the kids party
Slowly, but surely I am getting things crossed off this list. This is the life of a non-traditional student at it's most hectic. Yesterday, I got these wise words of encouragement and they helped put things into perspective.
...the week will come to and end, just as the day, the hour and the minutes do....and what was meant to get done will:)...
Dad called last night and let me know that we went home and would see me on Saturday for the party!
Maybe he sensed I was stressed out...when I told him that he couldn't talk to me anymore.
That guy is a quick learner. He picks up on those subtle cues so fast.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 15...
After the sad, tiring weekend, I am so happy I only have to get a few things done this week.
- 2 philosophy midterm essays to write
- 1 persuasive speech to write on high speed rail
- 22 pages to read for Thursday's quiz on Chapter 5 in small group communications class
- 1 post and response due for ethnic studies
- 10 articles to skim for an essay on the ethnic history of New Orleans
- 2 kids to take to the dentist
- 3 families waiting for photographs to be taken
- 1 family birthday party on Saturday
- 21 chapters left of the audiobook that I don't want to stop listening to
- 3 Head Start Classrooms, 1 WIC clinic and 2 senior meal sites to teach at for work
- 1 Friday late start
- 6 days of entertaining my father - who thought that driving an hour and a half home was silly since he'd be back on SATURDAY for the kids party
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Day 14...
When I walked out of my class tonight...it wasn't dark! Spring is coming. I can't wait to walk around campus without a coat on.
I can't wait to see some of these 90 pounders in shorts and tank tops! I almost feel bad for the Uggs that are soon to be neglected until fall.
I can't wait to see some of these 90 pounders in shorts and tank tops! I almost feel bad for the Uggs that are soon to be neglected until fall.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 13...
School was a blur yesterday. I was tired, distracted and my heart wasn't in it.
I am working mom and am going back to college. Lots of people have encouraged, supported, and assisted me along the way, and I have thanked a lot of them, but not all of them.
As a child, I remember, my aunt Bobbi going to UWP as a working mom. At the time, it didn't seem extraordinary or amazing. Just something she was doing. She made it look easy. She didn't know it, but in a way she is one of the reasons I am in school now.
I looked at her example as proof it could be done. She was a wife, a mother, a worker, and a college student. Not to mention a farmer! She did it all and still raised 3 beautiful, smart, kind and compassionate kids. Kids that have grown up to do amazing things, have beautiful children of their own and face unbearable burdens with grace and dignity. Her strength and ability to make extraordinary things look effortless, lives on in each of them.
More than being my aunt, her life journey impacted mine. An impact that will one day impact my own children's lives. She has been a transitional person in my life, and I am so grateful for that.
I am giving an assignment today. Do you have people that you think of as transitional people? Someone that without knowing or trying has changed the direction of your life?
Your assignment is to tell them, write them a letter, send them an email, just let them know.
One day you may not have the chance, and I promise you...you'll wish you had.
I am working mom and am going back to college. Lots of people have encouraged, supported, and assisted me along the way, and I have thanked a lot of them, but not all of them.
As a child, I remember, my aunt Bobbi going to UWP as a working mom. At the time, it didn't seem extraordinary or amazing. Just something she was doing. She made it look easy. She didn't know it, but in a way she is one of the reasons I am in school now.
I looked at her example as proof it could be done. She was a wife, a mother, a worker, and a college student. Not to mention a farmer! She did it all and still raised 3 beautiful, smart, kind and compassionate kids. Kids that have grown up to do amazing things, have beautiful children of their own and face unbearable burdens with grace and dignity. Her strength and ability to make extraordinary things look effortless, lives on in each of them.
More than being my aunt, her life journey impacted mine. An impact that will one day impact my own children's lives. She has been a transitional person in my life, and I am so grateful for that.
I am giving an assignment today. Do you have people that you think of as transitional people? Someone that without knowing or trying has changed the direction of your life?
Your assignment is to tell them, write them a letter, send them an email, just let them know.
One day you may not have the chance, and I promise you...you'll wish you had.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 12...
Today, I got the Fitness Test required to pass Fitness Assessment Management class.
Here is the skinny...these are just the numbers I remember.
I am 32 years old
I am 184 lbs (yep, I said it)
I am 67 inches tall
My blood pressure is 126/67
My cholesterol is 167/54
I can do 30 sit-ups in 1 minute.. The sweet young man said "Good job! That's better than some college ki...errr...18 year olds." To which I replied, "Thanks, liar!"
For real, about 5 minutes later when I was on the treadmill some skinny little college ki...errr 18 year old, barely squeaked out 30 sit-ups right there in front of my very eyes. I didn't want to rub it in so I said "Good job!...wuss."
I did 15 push-ups before I asked "Is that in the average range?" To which he answered, "Yes." Then I fell, like a ton 184 lbs of bricks, to the ground with jello arms totally satisfied with being mediocre.
My sit & reach average was 14.5 inches
I will be waiting patiently for the next couple of weeks for my assessment results. I am guessing it will look something like this...
You are an average, overweight college ki....err...32 year old.
Here is the skinny...these are just the numbers I remember.
I am 32 years old
I am 184 lbs (yep, I said it)
I am 67 inches tall
My blood pressure is 126/67
My cholesterol is 167/54
I can do 30 sit-ups in 1 minute.. The sweet young man said "Good job! That's better than some college ki...errr...18 year olds." To which I replied, "Thanks, liar!"
For real, about 5 minutes later when I was on the treadmill some skinny little college ki...errr 18 year old, barely squeaked out 30 sit-ups right there in front of my very eyes. I didn't want to rub it in so I said "Good job!...wuss."
I did 15 push-ups before I asked "Is that in the average range?" To which he answered, "Yes." Then I fell, like a ton 184 lbs of bricks, to the ground with jello arms totally satisfied with being mediocre.
My sit & reach average was 14.5 inches
I will be waiting patiently for the next couple of weeks for my assessment results. I am guessing it will look something like this...
You are an average, overweight college ki....err...32 year old.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 11...
A word came up in almost every class today............MIDTERMS!
I wonder what that means? Should I be worried?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Day 9...
Ok, so today I asked my crazy smart professor to give me an example of what she wanted because I (and the entire dead silent class...I mean seriously, crickets chirping quiet!) didn't have a clue about what she was looking for.
The reply I got....."Oh no...I am not going to do all the work!"
Umm, Really!??!? All the work!??! I'm looking for an example to help me learn...is it not your work to teach me???? I mean...am I paying for this class to leave the room more confused than when I walked in?
If confusion is the goal......I get that at the Midway talking to a drunken Big D.. Meanwhile, I'm getting paid, receiving a bunch of high-fives, and hearing that I am "Class A" over & over & over again (whatever the hell "Class A" means). Paying for confusion twice a week just doesn't make sense. I get plenty confused bar-tending on Sunday nights!
Here (in my opinion) is the problem with really, really smart people, people who are experts in their field...of let's say...Math or maybe...Philosophy....if the information comes naturally to you--then you probably shouldn't try teaching it to others.
Being able to EDUCATE, is much different than being EDUCATED.
Let's say someone asked me to give them an example of "How To Use A Blog To Sabotage Your College Education?". Being an educator first, and an expert in "blogs getting you in trouble"second....of course, I'd give them an example............ I'd show them this very post!
The reply I got....."Oh no...I am not going to do all the work!"
Umm, Really!??!? All the work!??! I'm looking for an example to help me learn...is it not your work to teach me???? I mean...am I paying for this class to leave the room more confused than when I walked in?
If confusion is the goal......I get that at the Midway talking to a drunken Big D.. Meanwhile, I'm getting paid, receiving a bunch of high-fives, and hearing that I am "Class A" over & over & over again (whatever the hell "Class A" means). Paying for confusion twice a week just doesn't make sense. I get plenty confused bar-tending on Sunday nights!
Here (in my opinion) is the problem with really, really smart people, people who are experts in their field...of let's say...Math or maybe...Philosophy....if the information comes naturally to you--then you probably shouldn't try teaching it to others.
Being able to EDUCATE, is much different than being EDUCATED.
Let's say someone asked me to give them an example of "How To Use A Blog To Sabotage Your College Education?". Being an educator first, and an expert in "blogs getting you in trouble"second....of course, I'd give them an example............ I'd show them this very post!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day 8...
I am telling the God's honest truth when I say that I heard the word BUTT^%#*ING during a presentation today. The topic being presented was Small Group Climate. I am sure you can see where that fits in right!?!?
It was totally amazing! It made this really long day completely worth it.
It was totally amazing! It made this really long day completely worth it.
Day 7...
Knowledge something something, true knowing something something, Plato something something...and that will be your first graded assignment for Thursday.
Are you confused yet? Yeah, me too and I am paying for it...WTF?!
Sometimes people are just too smart to teach. Did I mention I have two classes with this genius?
I hope there is a handicap in grading that considers my age!
Are you confused yet? Yeah, me too and I am paying for it...WTF?!
Sometimes people are just too smart to teach. Did I mention I have two classes with this genius?
I hope there is a handicap in grading that considers my age!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Day 6...
I learned a bit about myself. In one class we took the Colors personality test. It was a simplified, watered down version, but it did the job of showing college kids why people work or don't work together very well.
I took this test about 5 years ago and the outcome was a bit different this time. When tested last time, I was in a job that I hated, working with people that I didn't respect, and I wasn't expanding my mind at all. I was almost exactly half Orange and half Blue. Thursday, my personality was more Blue than anything else, with equal parts Orange & Green as a close second. Gold was a very distant third.
This was proof to me that when you are living the life YOU choose- you are happier, more content and at peace. Exactly what the Blue personality really values. Although, I have added stress to my life since then (school, blogging, photos) I am living a much more harmonious life, because I am more in line with my core principals. I am still partly that out-going, balls-out, late as hell Orange, and I have turned a bit more curious, inquisitive, and intellectual which explains my new Greenness. Really, a pretty good blend of things.
I know that a balance of the 4 colors is what you are shooting, but I don't see a lot more Gold in my near future. My experiences with Gold personalities is that they take life, and the JOBS that come with life, a bit too seriously for me. I suppose a bit more structure would be fine, but I think I am always going to be a person that leaves her dirty house to hang out with her friends, or plays with her kids on the beach without a thought of the sand or pond water that will be on my floor later. Made beds and empty laundry rooms will never be more important to me than sleeping in and grass-stained blue jeans.
Maybe in 5 years all of this will change, but for now I am a creative, unworried wonderer with no apologies for my lack of organization or efficiency.
Fair warning... if lateness is a problem for you, you should probably not wear your watch when I am around.
I took this test about 5 years ago and the outcome was a bit different this time. When tested last time, I was in a job that I hated, working with people that I didn't respect, and I wasn't expanding my mind at all. I was almost exactly half Orange and half Blue. Thursday, my personality was more Blue than anything else, with equal parts Orange & Green as a close second. Gold was a very distant third.
This was proof to me that when you are living the life YOU choose- you are happier, more content and at peace. Exactly what the Blue personality really values. Although, I have added stress to my life since then (school, blogging, photos) I am living a much more harmonious life, because I am more in line with my core principals. I am still partly that out-going, balls-out, late as hell Orange, and I have turned a bit more curious, inquisitive, and intellectual which explains my new Greenness. Really, a pretty good blend of things.
I know that a balance of the 4 colors is what you are shooting, but I don't see a lot more Gold in my near future. My experiences with Gold personalities is that they take life, and the JOBS that come with life, a bit too seriously for me. I suppose a bit more structure would be fine, but I think I am always going to be a person that leaves her dirty house to hang out with her friends, or plays with her kids on the beach without a thought of the sand or pond water that will be on my floor later. Made beds and empty laundry rooms will never be more important to me than sleeping in and grass-stained blue jeans.
Maybe in 5 years all of this will change, but for now I am a creative, unworried wonderer with no apologies for my lack of organization or efficiency.
Fair warning... if lateness is a problem for you, you should probably not wear your watch when I am around.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Day 5...
gave me the opportunity to share one of my Personal Theories with a bunch of college kids. This was not a hard assignment for me for a couple of reasons.
1) I am full of theories.
2) I enjoy writing about my crazy ideas.
3) I am over a decade older than all of the people in my class...what are they going to do...disagree with me? Seriously!?!
So I type my Personal Theory paper without much trouble, printed it off, stuck it in my folder and I am ready to go. As I walk into class and notice the "kids" papers, I panic! It has been soooo effing long since I have written a paper that I forgot what a paper, that I am supposed to hand in for a grade, should look like. Really, I didn't even have my name typed on the paper. It was in "blog" format...short little paragraphs, single spaced. Jesus BlogWriting Christ, I am an idiot!
I carefully and legibly write my name on the top of my paper along with the class name and the title of my paper...Yeah...I forgot the title. Apparently, if I don't have a box at the top of the screen that says "Title:", I forget that I need one.
My professor enjoyed my paper a lot (although, he hadn't seen it), but I'm not so sure the "kids" felt the same way. You'll know why after reading my Personal Theory. Enjoy!
I have a personal theory about parenting. I believe that if parents baby, dumb things down or rescue their children, they are doing them, and anyone that has to deal with them, a huge disservice.
One of the worst things parents can do to their children is to never let them struggle. Of course, I am not talking about abandoning your baby or traumatizing your toddler. I am referring to age appropriate expectations given with a loving, kind and positive approach.
In my experience, children learn much like adults do. By making mistakes. At all ages children, should be given opportunities to try new and challenging tasks. At the same time, they should also be given the chance to crash a bit. Minor accomplishments such as sleeping alone or using a spoon can be the beginning of a lifelong ability to figure things out. So what if the baby cries for a few minutes or more peas end up on the floor than in their mouth?
Allowing your baby these tiny setbacks will most likely result in a confident and self-reliant child. A child with the ability to accept failure a time or two without damaging his poor, over-coddled psyche. A child that will be able to lose a race, blow their own nose, and not start whining the second things aren’t going their way. A child that people enjoy being around and interacting with.
I think that a parent’s job is to raise their offspring to be kind, empathic adults that are able to thrive in our fickle world. Most normal adults have had all the minor (and some major) mishaps that you could have in the first couple decades of life. No, parent should allow their child to reach the age of 18 without hearing things like..."Ouch! That looked like it hurt!, Maybe you should’ve studied!, Are you hungry? I noticed you forgot your lunch box on the counter today., or I don’t care if you don’t like it...just DO IT!"
Parents who coddle and hover over their children would rather raise smiling, carefree grown-ups as opposed to self-assured, well equipped young adults. These parents have taken the easy way out and sadly, their children are going to pay for it. It sucks to be the parent that watches your child fall of her bike again & again or that makes her son put his own clothes away.
Instead of standing over them, I’d rather stand behind them during the hard times. I want to be able to encourage and guide them as they come across tough situations. I also want to be the person to praise them when they’ve used their resources to conquer these battles, or to encourage and guide again if the first attempt didn’t pan out the way it should have.
Phrases like “failure is not an option” should be left to scientists at NASA or brain surgeons. I believe if parents want their bouncing baby to become a competent child, who will grow to be a tolerable teen before becoming an anchored adult...failure is the ONLY option.
1) I am full of theories.
2) I enjoy writing about my crazy ideas.
3) I am over a decade older than all of the people in my class...what are they going to do...disagree with me? Seriously!?!
So I type my Personal Theory paper without much trouble, printed it off, stuck it in my folder and I am ready to go. As I walk into class and notice the "kids" papers, I panic! It has been soooo effing long since I have written a paper that I forgot what a paper, that I am supposed to hand in for a grade, should look like. Really, I didn't even have my name typed on the paper. It was in "blog" format...short little paragraphs, single spaced. Jesus BlogWriting Christ, I am an idiot!
I carefully and legibly write my name on the top of my paper along with the class name and the title of my paper...Yeah...I forgot the title. Apparently, if I don't have a box at the top of the screen that says "Title:", I forget that I need one.
My professor enjoyed my paper a lot (although, he hadn't seen it), but I'm not so sure the "kids" felt the same way. You'll know why after reading my Personal Theory. Enjoy!
My Advice to Future Parents
I have a personal theory about parenting. I believe that if parents baby, dumb things down or rescue their children, they are doing them, and anyone that has to deal with them, a huge disservice.
One of the worst things parents can do to their children is to never let them struggle. Of course, I am not talking about abandoning your baby or traumatizing your toddler. I am referring to age appropriate expectations given with a loving, kind and positive approach.
In my experience, children learn much like adults do. By making mistakes. At all ages children, should be given opportunities to try new and challenging tasks. At the same time, they should also be given the chance to crash a bit. Minor accomplishments such as sleeping alone or using a spoon can be the beginning of a lifelong ability to figure things out. So what if the baby cries for a few minutes or more peas end up on the floor than in their mouth?
Allowing your baby these tiny setbacks will most likely result in a confident and self-reliant child. A child with the ability to accept failure a time or two without damaging his poor, over-coddled psyche. A child that will be able to lose a race, blow their own nose, and not start whining the second things aren’t going their way. A child that people enjoy being around and interacting with.
I think that a parent’s job is to raise their offspring to be kind, empathic adults that are able to thrive in our fickle world. Most normal adults have had all the minor (and some major) mishaps that you could have in the first couple decades of life. No, parent should allow their child to reach the age of 18 without hearing things like..."Ouch! That looked like it hurt!, Maybe you should’ve studied!, Are you hungry? I noticed you forgot your lunch box on the counter today., or I don’t care if you don’t like it...just DO IT!"
Parents who coddle and hover over their children would rather raise smiling, carefree grown-ups as opposed to self-assured, well equipped young adults. These parents have taken the easy way out and sadly, their children are going to pay for it. It sucks to be the parent that watches your child fall of her bike again & again or that makes her son put his own clothes away.
Instead of standing over them, I’d rather stand behind them during the hard times. I want to be able to encourage and guide them as they come across tough situations. I also want to be the person to praise them when they’ve used their resources to conquer these battles, or to encourage and guide again if the first attempt didn’t pan out the way it should have.
Phrases like “failure is not an option” should be left to scientists at NASA or brain surgeons. I believe if parents want their bouncing baby to become a competent child, who will grow to be a tolerable teen before becoming an anchored adult...failure is the ONLY option.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Day 4...
I received the following email from one of my professors on Wednesday.
"Wow! You're postings are fantastic! You really do a great job of clearly articulating your arguments, engaging with the texts, and asking provocative questions. Keep your online discussion at this caliber, and you'll be on your way to a fantastic posting and responses grade!"
Seeing this email was a little strange. First of all, I was a little freaked out when I saw that I had an email from a professor; then when I realized it was only written to me, I panicked a bit more.
Really, could I be put on another watch-list?
After reading his feedback, I was relieved, but more than anything happy. It was great to know that my instincts were right. The writings I've been doing were completely and totally on my own.
In the past, when I prepared a letter, resume, speech, presentation...whatever, I needed constant feedback and approval. I needed my friends, and co-worker's (queen toady) opinions about whatever I was working on. Just to make sure that I am on the right track.
Yes, I am happy to see that the professor appreciates my writings. More than that though, I am thrilled to hear, from someone other than my friends or co-workers, that my instincts are right. Maybe now Muffy, the queen toady, will get some other work done. ☺☺
"Wow! You're postings are fantastic! You really do a great job of clearly articulating your arguments, engaging with the texts, and asking provocative questions. Keep your online discussion at this caliber, and you'll be on your way to a fantastic posting and responses grade!"
Seeing this email was a little strange. First of all, I was a little freaked out when I saw that I had an email from a professor; then when I realized it was only written to me, I panicked a bit more.
Really, could I be put on another watch-list?
After reading his feedback, I was relieved, but more than anything happy. It was great to know that my instincts were right. The writings I've been doing were completely and totally on my own.
In the past, when I prepared a letter, resume, speech, presentation...whatever, I needed constant feedback and approval. I needed my friends, and co-worker's (queen toady) opinions about whatever I was working on. Just to make sure that I am on the right track.
Yes, I am happy to see that the professor appreciates my writings. More than that though, I am thrilled to hear, from someone other than my friends or co-workers, that my instincts are right. Maybe now Muffy, the queen toady, will get some other work done. ☺☺
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Day 3...
made it official, I am, by far, the dorkiest student on campus.
First of all, I never wear or carry one item that says UGG, North Face, or Hurley. So unlike most college girls, I will never be trendy enough to wear UGG boots, while sporting a North Face jacket, and carrying a Hurley backpack.
I, on the other hand wear granny panties, while sporting stretch marks (that come from carrying two fat babies), and carry around half of a college girl worth of extra weight. And yet all of these things are not what makes me the dorkiest student at UWP...
First of all, I never wear or carry one item that says UGG, North Face, or Hurley. So unlike most college girls, I will never be trendy enough to wear UGG boots, while sporting a North Face jacket, and carrying a Hurley backpack.
I, on the other hand wear granny panties, while sporting stretch marks (that come from carrying two fat babies), and carry around half of a college girl worth of extra weight. And yet all of these things are not what makes me the dorkiest student at UWP...
this does. Yep, I use a thermos. I don't really carry it, I keep it in my vehicle so that in between classes I can have a lovely cup of (luke warm) coffee. I think the part that really dorks it up a notch is, the fact, that my thermos is not North Face or some other trendy cold weather type brand...it is Goulds Pumps.
I mean, I am a plumber's wife who went to prom with Mike Gould so I thought it was fitting...but mostly sad.
The cool thing about being the biggest dork on campus when you are 32 years old is that...you don't give a shit...not even a little. I wonder if the women that got laid off from Advance Transformer, that went to SWTC when I did, felt this way? Did they not give a single crap about how they looked or what they wore. Were they saddened when they heard stuff like this:
Yesterday, when a girl said that Asian Americans Studies Department should "get the F over" being confused with the Asian Studies Department, because "I mean we don't have American Studies classes."
I bet they were saddened. I bet these adults heard things that kids said, myself included, and thought "WOW, you just wait until you spend like 5 minutes in the real world."
This girl's comments provoked a few thoughts in me...
1. There is a big difference between studying Asia...the largest continent on the planet, and studying American citizens who have Asian descent.
2. The fact that her high school didn't give her the tools to understand the difference, without the help of an "old lady" sitting next to her in class, is pathetic.
3. We don't have American Studies?????!?!? Everything you were ever taught is American Studies, spun just enough that you thought you received an unbiased, accurate account of what really happened in our country.
4. Life experience has been good for me. I can totally picture myself saying something that stupid years ago, but then I got a life, and a job and met real people with real problems.....
People that don't consider Uggs, North Face and Hurley important. People that understand that a college education is important for knowledge, but that life experience is important for wisdom.
P.S. I know that not all college kids think like this person, value things more than people, or weigh 80 pounds.......some of them weigh at least 100.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day 2...
was pretty uneventful. Probably because I'm being watched. Hello Big Brother ;)
I completed my first assignment in the computer lab, and put it in the d2l dropbox.
I have no idea really what that is, but I am assuming it is the electronic equivalent to the old-school wire basket that sat on the corner of your teacher's desk. Sadly, this dropbox doesn't allow for my high school technique of handing in work.
Step 1...erase the name Amy Sonsalla off of "your" Algebra homework.
Step 2...write your name on "your" Algebra homework using your best impression of Amy Sonsalla's penmanship.
Step 3...drop "your" homework into Mr. Acherman's wire basket.
This technique provides a sure fire way to receive consistent A's on homework assignments, as well as, consistent F's on quizzes, tests, final exams, and report cards.
I think that one of my recent blog posts proves that this a really, really well thought out plan.
This weekend will be full of reading--philosophy, ethnic studies, speech, philosophy and did I mention philosophy? But really what is homework?
I completed my first assignment in the computer lab, and put it in the d2l dropbox.
I have no idea really what that is, but I am assuming it is the electronic equivalent to the old-school wire basket that sat on the corner of your teacher's desk. Sadly, this dropbox doesn't allow for my high school technique of handing in work.
Step 1...erase the name Amy Sonsalla off of "your" Algebra homework.
Step 2...write your name on "your" Algebra homework using your best impression of Amy Sonsalla's penmanship.
Step 3...drop "your" homework into Mr. Acherman's wire basket.
This technique provides a sure fire way to receive consistent A's on homework assignments, as well as, consistent F's on quizzes, tests, final exams, and report cards.
I think that one of my recent blog posts proves that this a really, really well thought out plan.
This weekend will be full of reading--philosophy, ethnic studies, speech, philosophy and did I mention philosophy? But really what is homework?
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