I've decided to document my days as a non-traditional student at my new blog UWP & ME. It will just be some thoughts and highlights from a day in the life of an old lady's return to college life.
I can't promise that I won't diss college age girls and boys, or the professors I have (although names will be changed to protectthe innocent myself). I will probably poke fun at the university staff, mainly targeting 2 Prospective Student Services employees. God knows, I will do plenty of profoundly stupid things that will require some blog attention, but from time to time I will get all deep and blow your mind with my perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of a Philosophy degree.
I can't promise that I won't diss college age girls and boys, or the professors I have (although names will be changed to protect
Which reminds me, I officially declared my major yesterday...Philosophy but I'm still debating on the minor. I also registered for a pre-session summer class...wait for it...with the same crazy, smart professor that has been driving me crazy all semester. I get 3 credits in 3 weeks though, so I am willing to suck it up.