Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 24...

Social "misfit" girl didn't show up for class last night.  She must have read my blog and decided she didn't want a face punch.  In case some of you think I would really punch her in the face...duh!  No, not everything I write on this blog should be taken seriously, and things I write could be taken out of context and offend some people.  So if you're a person who is super sensitive to anything not PC, I urge you NOT to read my blogs.  Remember, I gave fair warning months ago...



I've decided to document my days as a non-traditional student at my new blog  UWP & ME.  It will just be some thoughts and highlights from a day in the life of an old lady's return to college life.
I can't promise that I won't diss college age girls and boys, or the professors I have (although names will be changed to protect 
the innocent myself).  I will probably poke fun at the university staff, mainly targeting 2 Prospective Student Services employees.  God knows, I will do plenty of profoundly stupid things that will require some blog attention, but from time to time I will get all deep and blow your mind with my perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of a Philosophy degree.

Which reminds me, I officially declared my major yesterday...Philosophy but  I'm still debating on the minor.  I also registered for a pre-session summer class...wait for it...with the same crazy, smart professor that has been driving me crazy all semester.   I get 3 credits in 3 weeks though, so I am willing to suck it up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 23...

Let me set the scene before I start my rant...

Yesterday 4:50pm - Sitting in a classroom before Philosophy class starts, reading a chapter from Ethnic Studies so I can have the homework posted online by 8am this morning. I have 10 minutes which is plenty of time to finish the reading I started while sitting in my car, trying hard not to drive to Kwik Trip and open my mouth under the Diet Mountain Dew spicket!

Enter...the annoying "I talk loudly on the phone, while others try to text, read, text, chat, text, do homework and did I mention text before class," girl.

Literally, she talks in full volume as the rest of us sit there, shooting daggers with our eyes into the back of her stupid head. Occasionally, one of the other annoyed people will purposely leave to use their phone in the hallway (where normal, polite and courteous people have their private conversations) just to see if she'll get the hint.  No dice!

Her conversations include shit like her mom's work schedule, or if she can't get enough graduation tickets for her family flying in from Las Vegas she'll be really pissed, or that she thinks it's super hilarious that we use "googled" like it's a verb....HA-HA-HA!

Really, who are you my fuckin' grandma?  I am sorry to say but if you are younger than 25 "googled" has been part of your vocabulary pretty much forever, so shut it! 

She does this every class...EVERY SINGLE CLASS!  She has literally walked past people talking on their phones in the hallway and sat down to interrupt the quiet peaceful classroom.  I mean come on, do you not see the eye rolls or hear the heavy, irritated sighs as others enter the room to see (& hear) you in the front row shouting about how you were a bad-ass in high school so when you call there "they will definitely remember who I am!"

My guess is they'll remember you because you were as socially retarded then, as you are now, and they all wanted to punch you in your face!

I think for the safety of young ignorant girls everywhere, I shouldn't have given up soda until the semester ended.