was my last day in class. 1 hour class of Ethnic Studies....I could handle that right? Barely!
We were workshopping our final papers. Just getting last minute advice from others in the class. However, the professor chose whose papers we would read and critique...which wasn't so great for me. He had me read the papers of 1. the ignorant girl that I've written about on here before and 2. a dude that had consolidated his 6 to 8 page paper to 1 page and 1 sentence in length.
Once again, I was appalled by the lack of competency these college students have.
First the girl's paper...let's call her...Amber...the paper was full of generalizations like, the laws against hate crimes have not stopped one person from committing them, or all black people use their race to get out of crimes they commit.
It really was a joy to read this enlightening display of a semesters worth of Ethnic Studies class.
After reading the paper we had to meet and discuss what was needed for revision. She told me that one of my sentences was a run-on and that was all she caught because she only got through the second page.
She was super helpful. My run-on was the setting up of a quote & then the quote, you know like: Julie of UWP & ME states, "This girl is a frickin' moron!"
I then explained to her that he (our professor) was not going to be cool with a bunch of statements that she didn't prove, and she said she "couldn't find much information on immigration laws."
Right!??! That isn't a very hot topic now a days!
So that is when I said, "Well Amber, you're off to a good start...good luck" and moved on to the next guy...let's call him Randy. In 1 page and 1 sentence he talked about Irish immigrants during the potato famine, it jumped quickly to religion and ended with Mexicans. My only advice to him (with one week before this final paper was due) was you may want to pick a topic! I have to say that he actually gave me some good comments and advice on my paper, so it wasn't a complete loss for me.
It was the perfect day to end this semester. I think back on how I hesitated to return to college for so long because I didn't think I could handle it. Days like this remind me that I'm capable. As long as I am willing to learn from others and work hard, I can do it. Yes, some classes are going to be really hard, like Spanish, College Algebra and others, but I'm up for the challenge.
I have to take Spanish because I didn't maintain a C average in high school. Obviously, I was below average in retaining details of Roni Roth's sex life...uhh...I just threw up in my mouth.
So farewell until September. I'm taking a break. Spending time with family, vegecating at Farmers Markets, hanging out with friends(my own age), sunning myself at the pond, running to baseball camp, basketball camp, summer school and swimming lessons, just mainly hanging out with MY kids!
You know, normal summer activities for a college student.
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