Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6...

I learned a bit about myself.  In one class we took the Colors personality test.  It was a simplified, watered down version, but it did the job of showing college kids why people work or don't work together very well.

I took this test about 5 years ago and the outcome was a bit different this time.  When tested last time, I was in a job that I hated, working with people that I didn't respect, and I wasn't expanding my mind at all.  I was almost exactly half Orange and half BlueThursday, my personality was more Blue than anything else, with equal parts Orange & Green as a close second. Gold was a very distant third. 

This was proof to me that when you are living the life YOU choose- you are happier, more content and at peace.  Exactly what the Blue personality really values. Although, I have added stress to my life since then (school, blogging, photos) I am living a much more harmonious life, because I am more in line with my core principals.  I am still partly that out-going, balls-out, late as hell Orange, and I have turned a bit more curious, inquisitive, and intellectual which explains my new Greenness.  Really, a pretty good blend of things.

I know that a balance of the 4 colors is what you are shooting, but I don't see a lot more Gold in my near future. My experiences with Gold personalities is that they take life, and the JOBS that come with life, a bit too seriously for me.  I suppose a bit more structure would be fine, but I think I am always going to be a person that leaves her dirty house to hang out with her friends, or plays with her kids on the beach without a thought of the sand or pond water that will be on my floor later.  Made beds and empty laundry rooms will never be more important to me than sleeping in and grass-stained blue jeans.

Maybe in 5 years all of this will change, but for now I am a creative, unworried wonderer with no apologies for my lack of organization or efficiency.

Fair warning... if lateness is a problem for you, you should probably not wear your watch when I am around.

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