Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 11...

Today in my community first aid and CPR class I had to test that I could save a conscious choking infant.  So I did, which felt good, but to prove that a good deed never goes unpunished... I had this song in my head the rest of the day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 10...

Blogging is harder this semester than it was last semester.  I'm not in any classes that have a discussion component.  I have science, math, government and a health class.  Pretty cut and dry, lots of lectures...very little interaction.

Who knew that when 18-22 year old keep their mouths shut they seem completely normal?  I can go through an entire day without hearing one of them say something really stupid.

I know...crazy...right???

This semester is also boring because my professors are all good.  They teach what they are there to teach, so except for a couple hundred hair-twists, my classes are pretty uneventful.

As I get ready to register for next semester's classes, I'm going to have to keep this in mind.  I either need some courses with class participation or a dirty old professor to keep this blog interesting.