and said "Whatever!"
So the next day, annoying girl...let's call her Emily, got really pissy when the professor mentioned something along the "kids use calculators more now" line again. This time she leaned over to me and said "I hate when she says that, it's not true!"
To which, I replied..."Umm, yes it is! She isn't saying that YOU learned how to do everything on a calculator, she's making a generalization about college students, and she's right... most of you (meaning 18-22 year olds) learned how to do math on calculators more than generations of college students before you.
She didn't seem to give a shit about that response. She fired back with "Well, I went to a private school and we couldn't use calculators, so I hate when she says that."
And I'm thinking:

Well, today we had to do a little assignment with the person sitting next to us...crap that's Emily! When we got the assignment done, we could leave class. When the teacher handed her the paper with the problem, she got right to it. I watched as she answered the questions and it looked like she was doing fine, so I just kind of watched over her shoulder. For the last part of the problem, we had to figure out the slope. She wrote down and ordered pair like (0,12).
I'm only putting this in here because a week ago, I wouldn't have remembered what the hell that was.
Since I recently re-learned this crap and I know that the slope is not an ordered pair, so I said "I don't think the slope is righ"...that is where she cut me off and barked "TRUST ME!" as she got up and handed in the paper.
Yeah...that's right...this 18 year old bitch annoyingly snapped "TRUST ME!" at me. WTF!?!?
I'm sorry, but the last 18 year old girl I trusted, stole 2 wine coolers out of a friend's grandma's refrigerator and nearly missed CCD for a week.....wait a minute...that was ME when I was 18.....point is........I don't trust 18 year old girls any farther than I could throw them.
Actually on second thought, I could toss most of them quite a ways, so maybe I should put it like this...I don't trust 18 year old girls any further than their skinny jeans could be pulled up on my leg.
In case your wondering, Hell yeah!...I went to the professor, got our sheet back and quickly changed the slope. I wasn't 4.0 last semester because I trusted some 18 year was because I could bullshit my way through Philosophy papers!
To be continued....
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