Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 28...

As a parent that just happens to be a college student, I look at things a bit different than the average girl sitting in class.  I don't think I am smarter or better than any of the rest of them...actually that isn't true, there are a couple of girls I'm definitely smarter than.  Don't believe me? Read my last post.

I do, however think I'm more sensitive to the inappropriateness of certain professors. This semester, out of my three professors I'd consider one of them a great teacher, I'd consider another one hard to follow but totally sweet and willing to help in anyway, and finally I'd consider the other one a... total creeper.

Today I was part of a panel discussion where we discussed whether or not prostitution should be legalized.

BTW: it absolutely should not...ever...for any reason be legalized.

So after our 45 minute discussion we receive questions from the audience. The first question he asks is: "What about the beautiful blonde I've seen on The Tyra Show, that says she chooses to be a prostitute to put herself through medical school?"

In my head I'm thinking...I bet this scenario is what gets this guy out of bed in the morning.  
The slight possibility of some pre-med Jenna Jamison look alike, coming to UWP hoping to turn tricks to pay for her tuition. 

Then his next question is: "Well, Julie, what do you think about masturbation?"

Umm...what?!?! How is that at all related to what we're really talking about and ICK!!??

I answered this question, in a smart ass tone, "You're asking what I think about masturbation...I'm all for it."  To which about twelve 18-22 years olds started dying laughing.

Luckily, before this dude could get off,anymore on talking about sex with a bunch of young college girls and one old college girl, the time was up.  He handed back our evaluations and we left.

Wanna see what he wrote on my eval?

Yeah, you read it correctly...SAY THE WORD!! MASTURBATION!!!???

I can only assume that ALL CAPS is a sign that the perv was nearing climax.

As I read this, I thought of all the 18-22 year old girls who may sit in his class someday and not realize he enjoys teaching them not because he likes to watch them learn and become more confident & capable adults, but for a "handful" of other reasons.  I had the same protective feeling for those college girls, that my Dad must have had when he tapped on some dirty old guy's car window, with a water gun, and told the sicko to leave his daughter alone.

Hey, maybe this guy is Jimmy Staver's brother?  

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 27...

I'm hitting the wall.

I'm getting very tired.  Tired of reading, writing, listening, thinking, but most of all, being around 18 year old college students.

Now, don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy many of the "kids" in my classes.  I have even accepted a couple of them as friends on facebook.  However, there are so many other "kids" that I really do not enjoy being all...ever.

"Kids" that post things like this for Ethnic Studies homework two weeks before the semester ends.

"In this chapter it talks about how males are favored in sports especially basket. And it then goes on to explain what women do when you watch a mans game... they are either with their husband ot kids, working in the consession stands, or helping others. They also said " where are the women? those closet to the action on the court are probably cheerleaders, tumbling, dancing, and being thrown in the air in support of the exploits of the athletes." I do not agree with these becuase more men are being cheerleaders. So therefore this is kind of being racist where they are saying men shouldnt be doing cheer becuase its a women thing to do. What do you think...Is this being racist againist men being cheerleaders? why or why not?"

Come the Fuck on, Bridget! 

(No, her name is not Bridget...that's a movie quote that I use when I'm tired of saying WTF?.  Watch Bridget Jones Diary, you loser.   FYI - Colin Firth=YUMMY)

Seriously, I find it appalling this girl was accepted into college completely unaware of the difference between racism and sexism, and clearly, she's never heard of proofreading. The fact that she's spent 27 days in an Ethnic Studies class with, in my opinion, a great professor and still doesn't know the difference, speaks to her capabilities as a learner.  Let's not forget, the fact that she is a SHE!  18 year old SHES should be able to recognize sexism when they see it and be able to verbalize or document the injustice that they're witnessing.

Can I get an AMEN?!