Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 18...

was a good day at school.  I had a meeting with a professor to discuss my midterm grade and my ideas for my 8 page final essay exam.  I loved hearing that I am getting an A, but the whole 8 page essay talk hurt my ears.

When I registered back in November, I thought this semester would be a good way to break back into school.  I didn't want to take any math or science or anything I thought would be hard, so instead I take 2 philosophy courses with a speech & ethnic studies course.  I can't even tell you how much reading and writing I am doing these days.  It's a bit ridiculous.  Now I realize a math course would have been a nice "do your problems and you're done" sort of class to break up some of the more subjective learning I am interested in.

The lesson here is that: I will know better next time, which really, is more important than every A I feel driven to earn.

I figured out years ago that educated people don't mean smart people.  We've all work with some highly educated people that are complete and total idiots.  Often times, I trust and value the opinions of my less formally educated, but smart and down-to-earth friends and colleagues, more than the experts.  The nice thing about being a non-traditional "older adult" student is that I am able to draw on my life experiences to enrich all of the new information I am receiving in class.

Sadly, most of the 18-22 year olds sitting next to me have another decade or so of figuring that out.  I consider myself lucky to be in college now.  I believe I will get a more complete & profound learning experience than those "kids" sitting next to me.

Probably because, there is a distractingly old lady in their class who keeps calling them"kids!" 

P.S.  Today, during my persuasive speech, I could have sold high speed rail to Henry Ford.   Another A+!  I am starting to wonder if this guy gives out A+'s pretty haphazardly.

Shit....those math grades are going to be hard to look at next semester, maybe I will be able to persuade my math professor that my work is outstanding and deserving of a passing grade.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 17...

Midterm Essay #1--17.5 out of 20...not bad although it was my first (and easiest) Philosophy class.  I was a little bit worried about what I'd get on my other Philosophy Essay in the tougher class.

Midterm Essay #2-- 30 out of 30!  Holy Shit...The best news is that you can choose to do the midterm or final or both...they are both worth 30 for a total of sixty if you feel you did good enough on the Midterm and don't want to take the final she just adds 30 points to your score in place of the final exam...sweet!   Thank god, I can BS through essays because if I had any type of oral exam...I'd fail miserably!

I wonder if there's a major (followed by a high paying job) where you write stuff of which you have very little knowledge, but everyone who reads it thinks it's great................