Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 3...

Today one of my classes was cancelled.  I decided to utilize the extra time by getting a bunch of math assignments done, so I spent 3 straight hours in the Algebra Skills Lab (ASL).  Which is where this story takes place.  For a little background, Math 10 (a.k.a Nitro Math) students were given a quiz on Tuesday which was due today.  To receive full credit on the quiz, you had to come to the ASL and have a teacher initial it.

Cut to this morning about 9:55am.  There I am sitting with my book open, my calculator out and (I'm pretty sure a ream of) scratch paper scattered about in front of me.  In a 10 minute span 5 different 18-22 year olds came up and asked me for my initials. They thought I was a teacher working in the ASL...nice!

Here are the two main reasons this story makes me want to nut punch 18-22 year olds around the world...well at least the ones rushing to the ASL 5 minutes before their quiz is due.

1. I get it, I look older than your average college student, that I understand, but what blows my mind is the fact that I was clearly playing the part of "student" when they came up and asked me for my initials.  Seriously, how many college math teachers sit in the ASL with a calculator and a rainforests worth of scrap paper in front of them, struggling over math problems that most 6th graders find a bit boring??? I mean really look around you and consider that maybe this "old lady" is studying.  Morons!

2. I recognized one of the "kids"!  He's from Darlington, his cousins are my cousins. I remember when he was just a bulletin board in his mother's classroom.  Some of you know who I'm talking about right? Tanner Havens asked me for my initials!

Yeah, I can't believe he had not one seconds hesitation...a quick glimpse like..."Wait, she looks kind of familiar?!  Maybe I saw her at one the the 20 years worth of musicals and plays I've been to, or did I see her at Carson's(...Rayna's...Kalee's...take your pick of whatever Crist kid) graduation party?  Nope...nada.

Wait...maybe he was just "acting" like he didn't know me! Yeah, yeah that must be's totally not because I'm old, completely forgettable and have been away from Darlington so long that a generation of "kids" have NO clue who I am!

Looks like I'm gonna have to do a little PR in Darlington. Apparently, having your brother urinate off of a building next to a cop doesn't give you the same kind of street cred it once would have....thanks for nothing Jed!

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