Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 9...

I'm a little surprised about how much I enjoy my Global Landforms class.  Learning about plate tectonics and denudation is actually pretty darn interesting.  It funny how interesting these things are to me now because in high school stuff like this was torture!

Our professor passed our first test back today, but before he did he showed us a little graphic.  It looked a little something like this.  I'll be honest, I thought I did pretty good, but this graph scared the crap out of me.

The professor handed back our Scantron sheets, then the results of the Scantron part of the test. Which with like 48 students in the class took about 20 minutes. I did pretty good on that part of the test although, I left one blank...which is ironic, because I bust Owen's balls all the time about double checking his work.  I preach about how simple mistakes are caught if you just spend a few seconds double checking. Truth be told, I did double check I just missed it, so I guess I should just shut my frickin' trap! 

Then he finally started handing back the actual test that showed our score.  The suspense was terrible!  The kid next to me, who said that he thought he did pretty good, got his test back first with an F on it. He left pissed and I had to take some calming breaths to prevent hyperventilating.  

Finally, he handed me this lovely little grade.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 8...

Dear Professor (of the class that ends at 2:52pm on the second floor of Doudna),

I'm writing to beg you to please exit the room promptly at 2:52pm. Your class ends at 2:52pm, yet you continue to linger with your students until almost 3pm everyday! It's not so much that the other students and I care if you shave a few minutes from our class that begins after yours, but in case you haven't noticed, our Professor, seems to care a lot.

Your almost daily tardiness throws a wrench in his daily routine and that's NOT good for him!  The pacing, hair twisting, rocking and muttering to himself as he checks his watch 75 times a minute screams..."Get the hell out of my classroom, I can't cope with this change!"  I'm not sure if your familiar with the Autism Spectrum, but I'd bet my red Swingline stapler this guy is. To help you understand, I made a visual.

Now, before you send this amazing tool to a medical journal, I need to give credit to Benny, Steve, Milton, Raymond and John for their assistance.  I couldn't have done it without all of them...thanks guys!

Please study this chart, watch some TV and rent some movies to educate yourself on Autism.  This is what the experts do.  I mean, why else would Family Matters have been on TV for 9 had to be for research!

In conclusion, please, please take this warning seriously!  None of us want this guy to go all "4 MINUTES TO WAPNER!" on your ass, ok!?

You're welcome,