Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 1...

So, age was mentioned during my Fitness Assessment lecture today. We listened to the risk factors of people in different age groups.  First it was the 18-24 year olds, they die most often in automobile accidents.  I could hardly wait to hear what my most likely demise would be - heart attack, cancer, stroke...you know some old person disease.  Well, it turns out that 25-34 year olds are also most likely to die in car crashes.

Which came as quite a relief, as I got ready to drive home after 11 hours of school, with a flat tire and freezing fog to contend with.  Oh, I feel like a kid again....if only I could learn to text, under a desk, without looking for 2 straight hours…click.click.click.click.
I think "texting thumb" may be the reason these younger people die in car accidents so often.  It is hard to keep your hands at 10 and 2 without using your thumbs. 
In another class, we had to give a bit of information about ourselves that would help the professor remember our names.  I said Hi, my name is Julie and I have a mortgage.  Seriously, like I was attending a Homeowners Anonymous meeting.  The professor said "that is a real example of getting older", having a mortgage.  
I am hoping dementia is another true sign of getting older, 'cause that's the excuse I am going to give when my homework isn't done.  

The ride home was a bit more dramatic than I expected.  Jay Z's song New York came on, so I cranked it up. I love this song. (in case you didn't know...this 32 year old, mother of two, philosophy major - has an affection for rap)

As I jammed with this song, I started to cry.  Not just crying, bawling.  I can't pin-point exactly what part of the song made me react in such a way, but I think the "where dreams are made of" & "ain't nothing you can't do"verses hit a nerve. I sobbed the rest of the way home.  

I'm not really sure how to even describe how I am feeling.  I think grateful is one word I could use. Grateful for the lessons I've learned and the life I've lived up to this point.  Some good and bad, some things came easy while others were buried under layers of self-doubt and fear. 

I think excited sums up another feeling.  I'm excited for the future, the learning, the experiences I am going to have on this crazy adventure.  I am excited about the personal growth that this new challenge is going to inspire within me and possibly others.  

I'm also feeling really loved.  Loved by my supportive family, friends and co-workers who are helping me with the day to day challenges of going back to school.  I feel support with every text message and phone call encouraging me.  Your belief in me gives me the confidence and self-assurance that I am indeed doing the right thing.  

I feel content.  I am at peace with the whole old college student thing, because it feels right.  I believe that things will happen when they are supposed to. Although, I think you have to follow the directions you are given along the way.  I've been thinking positive, dreaming big, and believing that the world is conspiring in my favor.  That is why I trust that I will end up right where I am supposed to be.  

For now that is UWP.

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